A REST api which will give all news from any location of different categories and also related news
Currently only following countries are supported :- ['IN','US','AU','CA','CN','FR','JP','PK','RU','UK']
Categories are Business, Entertainment, Health, Science, Sports, World and Techology.
Firebase api - https://news-20e36.firebaseio.com/.json
Use as https://news-20e36.firebaseio.com/:countryCode/:category.json
Sample https://news-20e36.firebaseio.com/US.json
npm i googlenewsapi
News {
title: 'Watch SpaceX get very close to catching its rocket’s nose cone during a test',
description: 'SpaceX is getting excruciatingly close to catching a part of its rocket that falls out of the sky after each launch. A new video shows a recent drop test of the ...',
thumbnail: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/NKOw3Vvids-nNCfx1vmll-wR88AvTqnRK3vakt4XhxhtYzgWlurhPEOWY-lq413YTava0bMKdwIKrxQvRjQ=pf-w200-h200',
publisher: 'The Verge',
publishedAt: 1548865689,
category: 'Science',
url: 'https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEGxY4QfBKcLIDNpvJ1mDS2AqFggEKg4IACoGCAow3O8nMMqOBjD38Ak?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen',
[ News {
title: 'Watch SpaceX rocket\'s nose cone miss the boat, again',
description: 'A ship named Mr. Steven keeps trying to catch the thing.',
thumbnail: '',
publisher: 'CNET',
publishedAt: 1548870300,
category: 'Science',
url: 'https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiECurGhHT3ziGtrQLkWIu6OIqEwgEKgwIACoFCAow4GowoAgwkRo?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen',
related: []
var googleNewsApi=require('googlenewsapi');
// Initialize with storeFunction,country code.
Following is list of libraries used in app.
- async
- cheerio
- request
- Bhavneet Singh - singhbhavneet
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Its because of my mummy's motivation,god's blessing and family'support that I am able to complete this project.