OCPORTAL-517 GDPR compliance
OCPORTAL-958 Migrate away from bintray.com
OCPORTAL-973 Decide how to handle OCDS award status in case award acceptance is missing
OCPORTAL-1023 Limit the total size of files attached to a form
OCPORTAL-1031 elgeyo mobile version issues
OCPORTAL-1032 Update OCDS conversion matrix
OCPORTAL-1038 JS errors in Public Portal charts
OCPORTAL-1044 List pages are slow
OCPORTAL-1065 Back button in firefox
OCPORTAL-1067 Remove OCDS entries when the main tender gets deleted
OCPORTAL-1070 Mongo import job is recreating all releases
OCPORTAL-1071 Update videos link
OCPORTAL-1074 Put some padding between chart labels
OCPORTAL-1076 Pie charts should show % not total numbers
OCPORTAL-1079 Location collection in mongodb must be flushed when reimporting
OCPORTAL-1080 Receive alerts for this tender is taking to general receive alerts page
OCPORTAL-1081 Public Portal Item Filter filters out everything
OCPORTAL-1082 Save and next button misfunctions
OCPORTAL-1085 Map not showing points on staging
OCPORTAL-1086 Overview Status tender process not showing draft