OCPORTAL-497 Non-Public Portal pages - Mobile version - Improvements
OCPORTAL-804 Add procurement method rationale filter to the tender page
OCPORTAL-879 Change translation engine on frontend to use node-js-i18n
OCPORTAL-901 Check data and remove procuring entity select from contract
OCPORTAL-910 CRD chart shows partially
OCPORTAL-939 Issues in FM in PP and CRD
OCPORTAL-940 Move existing text used in pages to use wicket i18n translations
OCPORTAL-945 Field relabeling, hiding, and adding
OCPORTAL-946 New Fields
OCPORTAL-949 Improvement to Item/bid sections
OCPORTAL-963 Chart showing budget spent
OCPORTAL-965 Non-performing suppliers
OCPORTAL-969 Launch PMC App for Elgeyo
OCPORTAL-981 Fix links for Elgeyo OCDS extensions
OCPORTAL-985 Excel Download - Report - All Contract Awards under the Preferences and Reservation Scheme
OCPORTAL-988 Add ProjectClosureHandover metadata list/edit pages
OCPORTAL-990 Improve add new prequalified supplier
OCPORTAL-993 Change Elgeyo PMC reporter app in notification email
OCPORTAL-995 [sanity] - PP payment voucher Completion Certificate downloads not works
OCPORTAL-996 CLONE - [sanity] - PP procurement plan view not loads
OCPORTAL-997 [sanity] - Open Work list not reports list of open forms