Releases: devgateway/ocportal
OCPORTAL-580 Always generate new release IDs
OCPORTAL-662 Procurement method rationale needs a new icon
OCPORTAL-675 OCP feedback - Release date - All releases share the same .date
OCPORTAL-677 Make closing date in contracts compulsory
OCPORTAL-681 Upload walkthrough videos in the public portal
OCPORTAL-683 captcha is broken
OCPORTAL-684 Update Org Id to "local list"
OCPORTAL-685 Allow cabinet paper selection in project form to be multiple select
OCPORTAL-301 When filtered by month and filter is collapsed, charts says only Month and no info on year currently selected
OCPORTAL-665 Add private sector letter date and upload to Inspection Report
OCPORTAL-673 Disable alert notifications for validators
OCPORTAL-674 AGPO Chart is not showing the AGPO categories
OCPORTAL-678 Change noreply to [email protected]
OCPORTAL-670 Disable postgresql backup from java
OCPORTAL-671 Procurement plan page in public portal is showing drafts
OCPORTAL-488 please sort suppliers, departments on filters on PP so its easy to find
OCPORTAL-653 Update Short Bid Period Thumbnail Text
OCPORTAL-656 Terminate button is active on already terminated forms
OCPORTAL-657 move Help button to top level menu
OCPORTAL-658 Add sorting to Tenders and Procurement Plan pages
OCPORTAL-663 Error filtering competitiveness tab by month
OCPORTAL-668 Print more information on the excel upload error
OCPORTAL-669 Test and enable content upload for Procurment Plan Excel upload with WPS Office
OCPORTAL-642 Delete on PMC report triggers errors
OCPORTAL-654 Corruption Risk Charts suddenly missing data
OCPORTAL-569 Tender process status vs Individual forms status
OCPORTAL-635 Some forms aren't available for view only and it's not clear why
OCPORTAL-638 Cannot search for user name or department in the user lis
OCPORTAL-650 Unexpected Runtime Exception
OCPORTAL-651 "Procurement Method Direct is not mapped"
OCPORTAL-652 Internal Error adding new procurement plan manually
OCPORTAL-649 OCDS Validation Fixes post OCP release
OCPORTAL-547 user password
OCPORTAL-579 Review feedback from OCP
OCPORTAL-580 Always generate new release IDs
OCPORTAL-581 Use organization reference outsite parties section
OCPORTAL-584 Create extension for locations at tender level
OCPORTAL-585 Remove departmentId from release root
OCPORTAL-586 Add codelist to target groups
OCPORTAL-588 Fix contract document type to ocds type
OCPORTAL-589 Map mainProcurementCategory
OCPORTAL-590 Use unit classification scheme
OCPORTAL-592 Publish internal unit classification scheme
OCPORTAL-598 Improve organization roles assignment in parties array
OCPORTAL-603 Update publication policy text
OCPORTAL-604 Sum purchase requisition items to get the OCDS budget amount
OCPORTAL-605 Set tender status to complete based on award acceptance
OCPORTAL-608 Set terminated contract status for contracts when current date is after contract expirity date
OCPORTAL-609 Review OCDS Entities statuses
OCPORTAL-610 Register and use organization supplier scheme
OCPORTAL-611 Register buyer and procuringEntity
OCPORTAL-612 Create items classification scheme
OCPORTAL-628 Add short SMS howto message inside the public portal
OCPORTAL-641 phrase search not working
OCPORTAL-647 exception after tender process reactivation
OCPORTAL-648 exception on purchase requisition
OCPORTAL-616 Change column heading in red flag alerts
OCPORTAL-621 Admin, add new user form comes prefilled
OCPORTAL-624 Corruption filter broken
OCPORTAL-626 Corruption dash search and filter is NON functional inc ase od provided resolution
OCPORTAL-630 Got internal error deleting PMC report
OCPORTAL-633 Corruption Risk Search within Suppliers not working
OCPORTAL-634 Corruption Risk Matrix is showing in different colors
OCPORTAL-637 Fraud still visible in the corruption risk dashboard home page
OCPORTAL-470 Check total flags chart in CRD
OCPORTAL-477 Allow to reject Procurement plan to draft without changing everything downstream to draft
OCPORTAL-478 Update the filters in the forms lists in data entry
OCPORTAL-480 Change contract status to terminated when they were terminated at contract stage
OCPORTAL-510 Implementation documents - Current roles permissions changes
OCPORTAL-511 Implementation documents - New roles
OCPORTAL-512 Department Overview page - Tender Process - Implementation docs
OCPORTAL-513 Department Overview page - Tender Process - M&E Reports
OCPORTAL-514 Department Overview page - Tender Process - PMC Reports
OCPORTAL-515 Department Overview page - Tender Process - Inspections Report
OCPORTAL-516 Department Overview page - Tender Process - Administrator Reports
OCPORTAL-518 Data Entry Lists - Allows to the user clear the filters entered in the input text filters
OCPORTAL-519 Data Entry lists - Remove the case sensitive functionality for input text filters
OCPORTAL-520 Data Entry lists - Add input text filters
OCPORTAL-521 Data Entry - M&E Reports
OCPORTAL-522 Data Entry - PMC Reports
OCPORTAL-523 Data Entry - Inspections Report
OCPORTAL-524 Data Entry - Administrator Reports
OCPORTAL-525 Department Overview page - Tender Process - Implementation Forms
OCPORTAL-527 Public portal - Implementation charts
OCPORTAL-528 Implementation charts - Number of contracts not completed on expected end date
OCPORTAL-529 Implementation charts - Top 10 Suppliers who do not complete contracts on expected end date
OCPORTAL-530 Implementation charts - Top 10 Suppliers with PMC recommendation to not pay
OCPORTAL-531 Implementation charts - Number of Contracts with PMC recommendation to not pay
OCPORTAL-532 Implementation charts - Number of contracts terminated
OCPORTAL-533 Public Portal - Overview charts - Expenditure to-date vs. budget
OCPORTAL-534 Data Entry - Budget form
OCPORTAL-535 Implementation charts - Top 10 Suppliers with inspection report to not pay
OCPORTAL-537 Data Entry - Payment Voucher
OCPORTAL-538 Department Overview page - Tender Process - Payment Voucher
OCPORTAL-539 Public Portal - Implementation Forms
OCPORTAL-541 Create No Data sign for Status Overview Page
OCPORTAL-542 Public Portal - M&E Reports
OCPORTAL-543 Public Portal - PMC Reports
OCPORTAL-544 Public Portal - Inspection Reports
OCPORTAL-545 Public Portal - Administrator Reports
OCPORTAL-546 Public Portal - Payment Vouchers
OCPORTAL-548 Implementation Forms - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-549 M&E - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-550 PMC Report - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-551 Inspection Report - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-552 Administrator Report - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-553 Payment Voucher - OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-555 Implementation forms - Changes rules for Contract
OCPORTAL-557 issue with edit contaracts
OCPORTAL-558 view report and making some action leads to status overview page
OCPORTAL-559 metadata menu
OCPORTAL-561 Issue edit button instead of view
OCPORTAL-564 Requesting information about a specific contract
OCPORTAL-565 Receiving feedback for a specific contract
OCPORTAL-567 exception on dep overview page
OCPORTAL-568 Implementation Forms - Terminated status
OCPORTAL-570 Budget missing in procurement forms
OCPORTAL-571 Create Budget form OCDS Mapping
OCPORTAL-574 Opening a Procurement Plan on public portal leads to error
OCPORTAL-575 Validate OCDS output using jOCDS validator
OCPORTAL-576 Improvement to Pie Chart colors and layout
OCPORTAL-577 Procurement plan import not works
OCPORTAL-578 status overview and department overview shows no data in
OCPORTAL-582 Update M&E Form Fields
OCPORTAL-583 Update Metadata
OCPORTAL-591 Define an email of superadmin, which will receive OCDS validation errors
OCPORTAL-593 exception on data export
OCPORTAL-594 Competitiveness charts not loads
OCPORTAL-596 Add "Procurement Method Rationale"
OCPORTAL-597 exceptionLast cause: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: org.devgateway.toolkit.persistence.dao.form.ProcurementPlan.formDocs, could not initialize proxy - no Sessio
OCPORTAL-599 submit adminustrator report leads to error
OCPORTAL-600 add new inspection report: title says administrator report
OCPORTAL-601 data export miss info
OCPORTAL-602 Corruption risk emailed in case of 0 risk
OCPORTAL-606 We lost project info data near Ministy plans tree
OCPORTAL-613 Change Designation name to PMC designation
OCPORTAL-614 exception on FY chaneg on status overview page
OCPORTAL-615 Add implementation section in Status Overview Page
OCPORTAL-617 Change date created and date modified in Feedback Messages
OCPORTAL-618 CRD table "the Procurement processes with the most flags " is not filtered
OCPORTAL-620 Revert average tenderers by buyer back to bar chart