Releases: devgateway/ocportal
OCPORTAL-451 Add duplicate tender name error message missing
OCPORTAL-453 Create new add button to the top of the staff list metadata page
OCPORTAL-421 PP filters not works
OCPORTAL-427 Add IntroJS to the public portal
OCPORTAL-429 Fiscal Year Filter
OCPORTAL-435 Change cost effectiveness heading to "tender vs award amount" in public portal
OCPORTAL-436 Remove cancelled tender amount graph
OCPORTAL-437 Change Tender Quotation Heading to "Tender Evaluation"
OCPORTAL-439 Change the browser icon to the Makueni logo
OCPORTAL-442 Remove Percentage of plans with invitations to bid chart
OCPORTAL-448 Add other procurement methods to the Procurement Method Metadata
OCPORTAL-272 Create the Uploader Procurement Plan feature
OCPORTAL-397 Upload button has design issue
OCPORTAL-412 Make tender items in tender form mandatory before submission
OCPORTAL-416 Include OCDS extension descriptions in OCDS packages
OCPORTAL-419 Duplicate Tender Titles
OCPORTAL-420 Admin setting on/off toggle button moves and change location on click
OCPORTAL-423 edit contract from contarct list lead to exception
OCPORTAL-424 award acceptance list: filter by suppliers not works
OCPORTAL-425 Award acceptance list: sort by suppliers cause exception
OCPORTAL-426 Download letters are missing in many places
OCPORTAL-428 Make bids in the tender quotation and evaluation form compulsory
OCPORTAL-430 Reopen to draft forms affected by new form submit restrictions
OCPORTAL-431 exception on tender process save adn submit after purch reg removal
OCPORTAL-432 Test if production end dates fall within fiscal year
OCPORTAL-441 tender closign date missing in PP
OCPORTAL-411 Update the tender URLs in the tender form
OCPORTAL-413 Some tenders not loading on the tender details page on the public portal
OCPORTAL-414 Some tenders do not have tender document downloads or links on public portal
OCPORTAL-417 Exception creating json key on acceptedNotification property
OCPORTAL-418 Mongo import error no session
OCPORTAL-438 Tender quotation and evalutaitonf form -quolted price is nto mandatory
OCPORTAL-440 Finance and Social Economic Planning department in the data entry page bug
OCPORTAL-415 NPE during save as draft for award notifications without awardees
OCPORTAL-351 Improve release process of Makueni
OCPORTAL-387 Award process changes
OCPORTAL-388 Award Notification changes
OCPORTAL-389 Award Acceptance/Rejection changes
OCPORTAL-390 Contract changes
OCPORTAL-408 Failed Supplier responsiveness suppliers should not show up in any following forms
OCPORTAL-409 Add javamelody to makueni server
OCPORTAL-371 Upload the staff list to preprod
OCPORTAL-382 Purchase Requisition changes
OCPORTAL-385 Skipped tender
OCPORTAL-396 Pressing twice on DELETE on purchase requisition form will trigger NPE
OCPORTAL-398 In the tender page , is shows "upload document" instead of "download document"
OCPORTAL-399 Wrong heading in tender quotation page in public portal
OCPORTAL-400 No contract download option in contract page in public portal
OCPORTAL-401 Purchase requisition page in public portal has wrong download text
OCPORTAL-402 Hikari JDBC Connection has a max pool size of 10, too low
OCPORTAL-404 Should we keep dates in overview pages in HH:SS format?
OCPORTAL-406 Fix OCDS to use packages in admin
OCPORTAL-361 Total Amount by Items Y axis is in scientific notation
OCPORTAL-368 Cannot view tender list and procurement list on public portal in staging
OCPORTAL-369 corruption dash not shows data
OCPORTAL-373 Remove Score and Ranking from Tender quotation and evaluation
OCPORTAL-374 Re-label Cancelled Funding M&E chart
OCPORTAL-375 Updates to Comments and Change Log
OCPORTAL-376 Re-arrange M&E dashboard filters
OCPORTAL-377 Update label in Alert Statistics
OCPORTAL-378 Decrease the amount of space the Excel headers take
OCPORTAL-379 Fix navigation
OCPORTAL-380 Update edit button
OCPORTAL-384 Allow all user roles to access and edit the Supplier List
OCPORTAL-391 When a tender process is cancelled and it was in the submitted stage, the validator still gets a notification to validate it
OCPORTAL-392 Supplier General Statistics is in USD - should be in KES
OCPORTAL-394 Purchase requisition link in email alerts is not working
OCPORTAL-342 Data Entry module - When a form is terminated, to reflect it in the Department Overview page
OCPORTAL-345 Show department in user info
OCPORTAL-356 Remove ebid charts
OCPORTAL-357 Reminder email to validator
OCPORTAL-359 Chart labels cut off
OCPORTAL-360 Procurement plan items not filtering
OCPORTAL-363 Move the Percentage of plans with invitations to bid chart
OCPORTAL-365 Turn tooltips back on for certain pages
OCPORTAL-366 Hide certain admin settings that are not used at all
OCPORTAL-367 corruption dash value amount filter is empty
OCPORTAL-370 Make the department field optional in the staff meta data entry page
OCPORTAL-405 Convert OCDS to packages
OCPORTAL-336 Inconsistency in filters
OCPORTAL-349 Add admin switch to optionally disable alerts
OCPORTAL-350 Internal error when deleting purchase requisition item
OCPORTAL-354 department is not shown in M&E