A poor man's attempt to build an efficient realtime chat application... (Spoiler: kinda failed.)
- Sign up/in with Google.
- Can be seen as online/offline by their directs.
- Obviously send messages and react to them.
- Can make them by addding currently online users.
- Can establish a new direct with a currently online user.
- Notifications system for unread messages.
- Add message pinning, favoriting, forwarding.
- Threads (basically replies).
- Being able to CRUD messages/channels with edit history.
- Make info tab for channels to show online users, etc...
- Video previews, gifs, images.
- Refactor websocket file.
- Add reverse infinite loading (this is tougher than it seems).
- Implement user search when creating channel/direct & also add pagination to online users.
See more projects - @devmotheg