Material Design Navigation Bar is an Objective C project that provides a subclass of UINavigationBar that follows the material deisgn guidlines.
import "materialNavBar.h" & "UIColor+BFPaperColors.h" in header file.
#import "materialNavBar.h"
#import "UIColor+BFPaperColors.h"
create a "materialNavBar" variable
materialNavBar *navBar;
initialize navBar variable & set paper color value
navBar = [[materialNavBar alloc]init];
[navBar setMaterialColor:[UIColor paperColorPink]];
set navigation controller navigation bar to navBar variable
[self.navigationController setValue: navBar forKeyPath:@"navigationBar"];
Simply download the project file above and copy the following files into your project:
- materialNavBar.h
- materialNavBar.m
- UIColor+BFPaperColors.h
- UIColor+BFPaperColors.m