See for examples of how this is used.
Collect elevation data from AWS or Thredds, merge, reproject, resample.
No API key needed!
pip install opendem
$ python
>>> import dem
Return elevation, aspect, or slope, that has been correctly transformed to fit rasters you are already working on.
Pulls a web map tile service (AWS) list of tiles, based on input zoom level and bounding box, merges it, reprojects it, and resamples it to a raster you are working with.
This is intended for work where one needs a dem (elevation), slope, or aspect in a grid that matches another dataset they are working on.
For example, I work on Landsat images that come in WGS UTM coordinate reference systems. With bounds, satellite_image, and Landsat578, I can easily download and unzip a Landsat scene, read it into a Landsat5 (or 7, 8) object, pass the object attributes to dem, and get back a numpy array that is reprojected into the same local coordinate system for accurate scientific analysis with the cloud mask, reflectance, albedo and other handy data returned by methods in satellite_image.
This is intended to replace the task of downloading NED files and going through a long process in a GIS to merge, reproject, resample, etc, which often requires time consuming file management and use of proprietary software.
This pulls elevation data from the web, much like an app on your phone does. Don't spend all your time dealing with NED tiles!
Big ups to rasterio.