Flutter application to track the number of covid-19 cases in India with a neat clean UI.
The idea behind this application is to displays the statistics of Coronavirus COVID-19 in the 🇮🇳India and the data are being collected from https://api.covid19india.org/ and it updates the cases constantly on this app in the India.
- live confirmed, active, recovered and decreased cases
- cases in Indian States with graphical analysis
- zone wise districts of india
- latest health news headlines in India
- COVID-19 virus facts
- with self-assessment test you can assess your health
- cases in Indian districts
Flutter Packages | Usage |
bloc | State management |
dio and http | Network Calls |
flutter_sparkline | Charts |
connectivity | To check network status |
cached_network_image | to store images as cache |
url_launcher | To launch links externally |
bottom_navy_bar | Bottom navigation |
Original project cloned from: https://github.com/ankithans/Covid-19-Tracker/