Website for upholstery, with connection to a database to manage the work. It also has an administration module for the site where you can do CRUD. In addition to being a site adapted to dark and light mode, it is completely responsive. Look at the website
Client: 🟠HTML5 | 🔵CSS3 | 🟡JavaScript
Server: 🟣PHP | 🔵MySQL
Give a ⭐ if you like this website!
- ✔ Download the repository with followin link: Tapiceria-Cruz
- ✔ Open xampp and create the database in phpMyAdmin:
# table structure `products`
CREATE TABLE `products` (
`id_product` int(11) NOT NULL,
`name_product` text DEFAULT NULL,
`description_product` text DEFAULT NULL,
`img_antes` text NOT NULL,
`img_despues` text NOT NULL,
`category_product` text NOT NULL,
`label__product` text NOT NULL
#Data for the table `products`
INSERT INTO `products` (`id_product`, `name_product`, `description_product`, `img_antes`, `img_despues`, `category_product`, `label__product`) VALUES
(1, 'Mueble Azul Tapizado', 'Tapizado de mueble de sala azul', '1660084559_servicio-mueble1.png', '1660084559_servicio-mueble1.png', 'hogar', 'Sillon Sala Mueble Hogar Oficina'),
(2, 'Mueble de esquina', 'Retapizado de mueble para esquina azul', '1660084659_mueble1.jpg', '1660084659_mueble1.jpg', 'oficina', 'Mueble oficina sillon sillón sala juego de muebles'),
(3, 'Puertas de carro', 'Retapizado de puertas para carro', '1660085018_mueble3.jpg', '1660085018_tapizado3.jpg', 'vehículo', 'carro puertas puerta vehículo vehiculo autos'),
(4, 'Sillones para salón de belleza', 'Tapizado de sillones para salon de belleza', '1660086708_tapizado4.jpg', '1660086708_tapizado4.jpg', 'oficina', 'Sillones sillon sillón salon de belleza muebles'),
(5, 'Asiento de moto', 'Retapizado de asiento para moto con materia impermeable.', '1660086971_m10_1.jpg', '1660086971_m10_2.jpg', 'vehículo', 'asiento de moto');
# table indices `products`
ALTER TABLE `products`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_product`);
# AUTO_INCREMENT of table `products`
ALTER TABLE `products`
- ✔ Create a virtual domain for the project in the files "C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf" and "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts".
- ✔ Done! Open the project in the browser with the domain you created. 😊
- ✔ 😲 Oh! I almost forget it. To access the administrator, click on the logo in the navigation bar and enter the credentials: Username: Diana Cruz, Password: tCruz08. -😉 Anyway, you can change the credentials in "administrador/index.php" (line: 4 and 7).