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01 Migration Guide: V1 to V2

Konstantin edited this page Jan 31, 2025 · 1 revision

This guide outlines the changes and steps required to migrate from Diffusion Studio Core V1 to V2.

Major Changes Overview

Removal of Pixi.js

  • Pixi.js and Pixi Filters have been removed to optimize performance for automation workloads
  • The library now uses a custom rendering implementation inspired by Pixi.js
  • This change significantly reduces the library size and improves performance for large-scale operations

New Core Components


  • New abstraction layer for the 2D Canvas Context API
  • Replaces Pixi.js rendering system


  • Updates composition every 200ms
  • Runs at desired framerate during playback
  • Automatically inactive in headless environments

New Components

  • New Clips:
    • WaveformClip
    • RectangleClip
    • CircleClip
  • New Tracks:
    • ShapeTrack

Example of using new shape components:

import * as core from '@diffusionstudio/core'

const shapeTrack = new core.ShapeTrack()
const rectangle = new core.RectangleClip({
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  fill: '#ff0000',
  radius: 10,
  duration: 5

await shapeTrack.add(rectangle)

Breaking Changes

Composition Changes

- Composition.settings.backend
# This property has been removed

- Composition.attachPlayer(div)
+ Composition.mount(div)

- Composition.detachPlayer(div)
+ Composition.unmount()

- Composition.shiftTrack()
+ Composition.insertTrack()

Example of updated composition usage:

// V1
const composition = new core.Composition()

// V2
const composition = new core.Composition()
composition.insertTrack(track) // Accepts position as second argument

Track Changes

- CaptionTrack.generate()
+ CaptionTrack.createCaptions()

Example of caption track changes:

// V1
const captions = await captionTrack.from(audioClip).generate()

// V2
const captions = await captionTrack.from(audioClip).createCaptions()

Clip Changes

# Timing Properties
- clip.start
+ clip.delay

- clip.stop
+ clip.duration

- clip.set()
# This method has been removed

# New Property
+ clip.trim()
# Equivalent to setting start and stop in V1

# Filter Changes
- clip.filters // Previously Pixi filters
+ clip.filter // Now accepts 2D Canvas Context API filters as string

# Mask Changes
- clip.mask // Previous implementation
+ clip.mask // New mask objects

# Animation Changes
- Individual property Keyframes
+ clip.animations // New animations array

Example of animation changes:

// V1 - Individual keyframes per property
clip.x = new core.Keyframe([80], [960])
clip.width = new core.Keyframe([60], [1000])

// V2 - Centralized animations array
clip.animations = [
    key: 'x',
    frames: [{ frame: 80, value: 960 }]
    key: 'width',
    frames: [{ frame: 60, value: 1000 }]

Example of updated clip timing:

// V1
clip.start = 2
clip.stop = 7

// V2
clip.delay = 2
clip.duration = 5 // Note: Now using duration instead of end time

// New trim functionality
clip.trim(2, 7) // Equivalent to V1's start/stop

Example of new filter syntax:

// V1
clip.filters = new BlurFilter(5)

// V2
clip.filter = 'blur(5px)'

// Multiple filters
clip.filter = 'blur(5px) brightness(150%)'

Media Clip Changes

- MediaClip.offset
# This property has been removed

- MediaClip.offsetBy()
+ MediaClip.offset()

- MediaClip.addCaptions()
+ MediaClip.createCaptions()

Example of media clip changes:

// V1
await mediaClip.addCaptions()

// V2
await mediaClip.createCaptions()

Audio Clip Changes

- AudioClip.sample()
# has been removed

- AudioClip.fastsampler()
+ AudioClip.sample()

Text Changes

- ComplexTextClip
+ RichTextClip

Other Changes

- CanvasEncoder
# This component has been removed

- Font
+ FontManager
# Now supports loading and managing multiple fonts

- Timestamp.fromSeconds(seconds)
+ new Timestamp(milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours)
# e.g. new Timestamp(0, 20) // 20 seconds

Example of font management:

// V1
const font = await core.Font.load({
  family: 'Arial',
  weight: 400,
  source: 'arial.ttf'

// V2
const fontManager = new core.FontManager()
const font = await fontManager.load({
  family: 'Arial',
  weight: 400,
  source: 'arial.ttf'

// or

const font = core.FontManager.load({
  family: 'Arial',
  weight: 400,
  source: 'arial.ttf'

Encoder Changes

When no target is provided, the render method returns a Blob. It's no longer possible to upload the array buffer to a remote server. Additionally, a Stream callback can now be provided.

# V1
- await new Encoder(...).render()

# V2
- await new Encoder(...).render()
+ const blob = await new Encoder(...).render()

# V1
- await new Encoder(...).render('')

# V2
+ const blob = await new Encoder(...).render()
+ await fetch(url, {
+    method: 'PUT',
+    headers: {
+      'Content-Type': 'video/mp4',
+    },
+    body: blob
+ });

# V2
+ await new Encoder(...).render((data: Uint8Array, position: number) => {
+   console.log(data, position)
+ })

Duration Behavior Changes

  • MediaClip.duration now returns the clipped duration
  • Use AudioSource.duration to get the original duration

Example of duration handling:

// V1
mediaClip.start = 2
mediaClip.stop = 62
const duration = mediaClip.duration // Sets full duration

// V2
const fullDuration = mediaClip.source.duration // Original duration
mediaClip.duration = 60 // Set clip duration directly, will trim to 60 frames

Getting Help

If you need assistance with the migration or have questions about specific changes:

  • Join our Discord community for support
  • Refer to the TypeScript types for detailed property information
  • Check the updated documentation for new features and APIs