feat: addCreatedBy #511
60 errors and 6 warnings
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (windows-latest, 18.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (windows-latest, 16.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (macos-latest, 16.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' is not assignable to type 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types '"role" | "projectSettings" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"' and '"project"' have no overlap.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Argument of type '{ schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ExactObject<{ schemaName: "role"; roleId: string; fromIndex: number; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "preset"; name: string; geometry: ("point" | "vertex" | "line" | "area" | "relation")[]; tags: Tags; addTags: Tags1; removeTags: Tags2; fieldIds: string[]; iconId?: string | undefined; terms: string[]; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "observation"; lat?: number | undefined; lon?: number | undefined; refs: { id: string; }[]; attachments: { driveId: string; name: string; type: "photo" | "audio" | "video" | "UNRECOGNIZED"; hash: string; }[]; tags: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean | null)[] | null; }; metadata: { manualLocation?: boolean | undefined; position?: Position | undefined; lastSavedPosition?: Position | undefined; positionProvider?: { gpsAvailable?: boolean | undefined; passiveAvailable?: boolean | undefined; locationServicesEnabled?: boolean | undefined; networkAvailable?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined; }; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "field"; tagKey: string; type: "number" | "text" | "UNRECOGNIZED" | "selectOne" | "selectMultiple"; label: string; appearance?: "singleline" | "multiline" | undefined; snakeCase?: boolean | undefined; options?: { label: string; value: string | number | boolean | null; }[] | undefined; universal?: boolean | undefined; placeholder?: string | undefined; helperText?: string | undefined; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }> | ExactObject<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; }, { schemaName: "role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"; createdBy: string; }>'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Type '"project"' is not assignable to type '"role" | "preset" | "observation" | "field" | "deviceInfo" | "coreOwnership"'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Type 'SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "project"; schema: undefined; columns: { [x: string]: SQLiteColumn<{ name: any; tableName: "project"; dataType: any; columnType: any; data: any; driverParam: any; notNull: boolean; hasDefault: boolean; enumValues: any; baseColumn: Column<{ name: string; tableName: "project"; dataType: ColumnDataType; columnType: string; data: unknown; driverParam: unknown; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: string[] | undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object, object>; }, object>; }; dialect: "sqlite"; }>' does not satisfy the constraint 'MapeoDocTables'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'Project'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Namespace '"/home/runner/work/mapeo-core-next/mapeo-core-next/node_modules/@mapeo/schema/dist/index"' has no exported member 'ProjectValue'.
build (macos-latest, 18.x):
Property 'project' does not exist on type '{ readonly role: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/role/v1.json"; readonly title: "Role"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "role"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly roleId: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Unique identifier for role assigned to device with auth core ID equal to `docId` of this record"; }; readonly fromIndex: { readonly type: "number"; readonly description: "This is the index of the auth core that this role applies to (identified by the `docId`) to apply this role from. E.g. documents in the auth core assigned this role from this index will be evaluated according to this role."; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["schemaName", "roleId", "fromIndex", "docId", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "links", "versionId", "createdBy"]; readonly additionalProperties: false; }; readonly projectSettings: { readonly $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"; readonly $id: "http://mapeo.world/schemas/project/v1.json"; readonly title: "ProjectSettings"; readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly docId: { readonly description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte buffer"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly versionId: { readonly description: "core id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) and core index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly schemaName: { readonly description: "Must be `project`"; readonly type: "string"; readonly const: "projectSettings"; }; readonly createdAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when the first version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly createdBy: { readonly description: "discovery id (hex-encoded 32-byte buffer) of the hypercore where the first version of this document is written"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly updatedAt: { readonly description: "RFC3339-formatted datetime of when this version of the element was created"; readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date-time"; }; readonly links: { readonly description: "Version ids of the previous document versions this one is replacing. Each link is id (hex-encoded 32 byte buffer) and index number, separated by '/'"; readonly type: "array"; readonly uniqueItems: true; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly name: { readonly description: "name of the project"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly defaultPresets: { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly point: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly area: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly vertex: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly line: { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly relation: { readonly type: "array";
build (ubuntu-latest, 18.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/
build (ubuntu-latest, 16.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/
build (windows-latest, 18.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/
build (windows-latest, 16.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/
build (macos-latest, 16.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/
build (macos-latest, 18.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-node@v1. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/