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Data Upload Guide

ArjamaM edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 6 revisions

This manual shows you how to upload data into TOSCA.

What to check before starting your data upload into TOSCA:

  • Make sure your geospatial data is in the folder 'geospatial data folder' below. image

Log in to Geoserver

  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/ to log in to your Geoserver. Your username and password are in the .env file for you to check. It is highly recommended to change the default username and password.


  1. Once you have logged in, you will notice on the left of the page 'Workspace', 'Store' and 'Layers'. These are the most important things you need for uploading your data.

Add a Workspace

  1. To add a group under which you want to different layers (for example, 'Solid_waste_management'), click on 'Workspace'-> 'Add new Workspace' -> Assign a name (eg. 'Solid_waste_management' (make sure there are no spaces in this name)), and copy the same name in 'Namespace URI' -> Save.


  1. If you refresh your tool (http://localhost:8181/) now, you will see this appear on the left panel. You will notice that there are no layers under it.


Add a store

  1. The next step is to add a 'Store'.
  1. Go to 'Store' -> 'Add new Store' -> Choose your datatype (eg. 'Shapefile')
  1. Choose a Workspace to which you want to add the layer.


Give a name to the layer under 'Data source name' and 'Description'.

Choose the layer

  1. Click on 'Shapefile location' -> Browse


  1. Choose '' -> '\mnt'
  1. Choose the layer you want to add


Publish your layer

  1. Once you have added your layer, you can choose if you want to publish it right away, or later. To publish your layer, click on 'Publish'.
  1. Go down to 'Bounding boxes'-> Under 'Native bounding box', click on 'compute from data' -> Under 'Lat/Lon Bounding box' click on 'compute from native bonds' -> Click save.


  1. refresh your tool, your layer should appear under your chosen Workspace.


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