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List of Documentation Keywords

Caitlin Adams edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

Notebooks can be tagged with keywords to help users find notebooks of interest; these are compiled into an index page on the DE Africa Docs page.

Keywords should be consistently formatted and adhere to the following style guide:

  • use all lower case (unless the keyword is an acronym)
  • separate words with spaces
  • if you have a specific keyword that belongs to a larger group (for example, "reprojecting" and "resampling" can both be grouped together as "data methods"), use the hierarchical indexing notation:
:index:`data methods; reprojecting`, :index:`data methods; resampling`
  • This will mean that the Docs page will have the index entry "data methods" under "D", followed by "reprojecting" and "resampling"

Some example outputs:

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The Keyword cell

This should appear at the top of the notebooks, as the second cell after the title. Note that the raw cell isn't displayed by GitHub, but will appear when working in JupyterLab. It will have the following form:

**Tags**: :index:`data used; sentinel 2`, :index:`band index; NDVI`

Example tags


Review the parts of your notebook that load data, and add tags only for loaded data.

  • data used; landsat 8
  • data used; landsat 7
  • data used; landsat 5
  • data used; sentinel 2
  • data used; sentinel 1
  • data used; landsat 8 geomedian
  • data used; sentinel 2 geomedian
  • data used; ALOS
  • data used; WOfS
  • data used; ERA5
  • data used; external
  • data used; <data used in notebook>

Purpose, functionality and analysis

Review the key functionality and analysis in your notebook and write no more than five keywords to capture its purpose. keywords should be one or two words and grouped into larger hierarchies if useful. Think about what will be most helpful to others and read existing keywords to make sure there's no duplication. It's ok to create a new keyword if you can't find an existing one that captures your notebook's purpose. Note that band indices (e.g. NDVI) and other official acronyms (e.g. WOfS, GeoTIFF, NetCDF) should be capitalised where appropriate.

  • agriculture
  • agriculture; phenology
  • analysis; change detection
  • analysis; time series
  • analysis; polygon drill
  • beginner's guide; <guide topic>
  • band index; NDVI
  • band index; MNDWI
  • band index; <index used>
  • case study; <topic>
  • cloud masking
  • climate; air temperature
  • climate; wind
  • dask
  • data format; GeoTIFF
  • data format; NetCDF
  • data format; shapefile
  • data methods; compositing
  • data methods; exporting
  • data methods; reprojecting
  • data methods; resampling
  • forest
  • interactive
  • interpolation
  • intertidal
  • machine learning
  • mangroves
  • pixel quality
  • statistics
  • principal component analysis
  • regression
  • soil moisture
  • tidal; modelling
  • urban
  • visualisation
  • visualisation; animation
  • visualisation; colour map
  • water