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icarusion committed Jun 27, 2022
1 parent c896dae commit abb1bd5
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Showing 84 changed files with 1,876 additions and 1,697 deletions.
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions types/affix.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
export declare class Affix {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare const Affix: DefineComponent<{
* 距离窗口顶部达到指定偏移量后触发
'offset-top': number;
'offset-top'?: number;

* 距离窗口底部达到指定偏移量后触发
'offset-bottom': number;
'offset-bottom'?: number;

* addEventListener 原生的 useCapture 选项
'use-capture': boolean;
'use-capture'?: boolean;

* 在固定状态发生改变时触发
$emit(eventName: 'on-change'): this;
onOnChange?: (event?: any) => any;

26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions types/alert.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,49 +1,51 @@
export declare class Alert {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare const Alert: DefineComponent<{
* 警告提示样式,可选值为`info`、`success`、`warning`、`error`
type: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error';
type?: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error';

* 是否可关闭
closable: boolean;
closable?: boolean;

* 是否显示图标
'show-icon': boolean;
'show-icon'?: boolean;

* 是否应用动画,动画时长可能会引起占位的闪烁
fade: boolean;
fade?: boolean;

* 关闭时触发
$emit(eventName: 'on-close'): this;
onOnClose?: (event?: any) => any;

$slots: {
'v-slots'?: {
* 警告提示内容
'': [];
default?: () => any;

* 警告提示辅助性文字介绍
desc: [];
desc?: () => any;

* 自定义图标内容
icon: [];
icon?: () => any;

* 自定义关闭内容
close: [];
close?: () => any;

34 changes: 18 additions & 16 deletions types/anchor.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
export declare class Anchor {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare const Anchor: DefineComponent<{
* 固定模式
affix: boolean;
affix?: boolean;

* 距离窗口顶部达到指定偏移量后触发
'offset-top': number;
'offset-top'?: number;

* 距离窗口底部达到指定偏移量后触发
'offset-bottom': number;
'offset-bottom'?: number;

* 锚点区域边界,单位:px
bounds: number;
bounds?: number;

* 点击滚动的额外距离
'scroll-offset': number;
'scroll-offset'?: number;

* 指定滚动的容器
container: string | HTMLElement;
container?: string | HTMLElement;

* 是否显示小圆点
'show-ink': boolean;
'show-ink'?: boolean;

* 点击锚点时触发,返回链接
$emit(eventName: 'on-select'): this;
onOnSelect?: (event?: any) => any;

* 链接改变时触发,返回新链接和旧链接
$emit(eventName: 'on-change'): this;
onOnChange?: (event?: any) => any;


export declare class AnchorLink {
export declare const AnchorLink: DefineComponent<{
* 锚点链接
href: string;
href?: string;

* 文字内容
title: string;
title?: string;

* 点击滚动的额外距离
'scroll-offset': number;
'scroll-offset'?: number;

32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions types/auth.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,66 @@
export declare class Auth {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare const Auth: DefineComponent<{
* 准入权限,详见示例
authority: string | [] | Function | boolean;
authority?: string | any[] | Function | boolean;

* 用户权限
access: string | [];
access?: string | any[];

* 是否开启阻止模式,开启后,不会返回 noMatch 的 slot,而是阻止组件内的点击,反而给一个 $Message 提示,常用于 Button 操作
prevent: boolean;
prevent?: boolean;

* 在 prevent 开启时有效,点击提示的内容,当开启 custom-tip 时无效
message: string;
message?: string;

* 在 prevent 开启时有效,通过监听 @click 自定义提示
'custom-tip': boolean;
'custom-tip'?: boolean;

* 设置包裹组件的 display 类型,包裹组件是一个 div 元素
display: string;
display?: string;

* 开启后,当鉴权不通过时,直接跳转到指定路由
to: object | string;
to?: object | string;

* 路由跳转时,开启 replace 将不会向 history 添加新记录
replace: boolean;
replace?: boolean;

* 同 vue-router append
append: boolean;
append?: boolean;

* 当开启 prevent,且鉴权不通过时,点击会触发
$emit(eventName: 'click'): this;
onClick?: (event?: any) => any;

$slots: {
'v-slots'?: {
* 自定义标题
default: [];
default?: () => any;

* 自定义补充描述
noMatch: [];
noMatch?: () => any;

46 changes: 24 additions & 22 deletions types/auto-complete.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,102 +1,104 @@
export declare class AutoComplete {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare const AutoComplete: DefineComponent<{
* 绑定的值,可使用 v-model 双向绑定
'model-value': string | number;
'model-value'?: string | number;

* 自动完成的数据源
data: [];
data?: any[];

* 是否可以清空选项
clearable: boolean;
clearable?: boolean;

* 是否禁用
disabled: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;

* 占位文本
placeholder: string;
placeholder?: string;

* 输入框尺寸,可选值为 `large`、`small`、`default` 或者不设置
size: '' | 'large' | 'small' | 'default';
size?: '' | 'large' | 'small' | 'default';

* 输入框尾部图标
icon: string;
icon?: string;

* 是否根据输入项进行筛选。当其为一个函数时,会接收 `value` 和 `option` 两个参数,当 option 符合筛选条件时,应返回 true,反之则返回 false
'filter-method': Function | boolean;
'filter-method'?: Function | boolean;

* 弹窗的展开方向,可选值为 `bottom`、`top`、`top-start`、`bottom-start`、`top-end`、`bottom-end`,2.12.0 版本开始支持自动识别
placement: string;
placement?: string;

* 是否将弹层放置于 body 内,在 Tabs、带有 fixed 的 Table 列内使用时,建议添加此属性,它将不受父级样式影响,从而达到更好的效果
transfer: boolean;
transfer?: boolean;

* 给表单元素设置 `id`,详见 Form 用法。
'element-id': string;
'element-id'?: string;

* 开启 transfer 时,给浮层添加额外的 class 名称
'transfer-class-name': string;
'transfer-class-name'?: string;

* 是否开启 capture 模式,也可通过全局配置
capture: boolean;
capture?: boolean;

* 是否开启 Popper 的 eventsEnabled 属性,开启可能会牺牲一定的性能
'events-enabled': boolean;
'events-enabled'?: boolean;

* 选中 option,或 input 的 value 变化时,调用此函数
$emit(eventName: 'on-change'): this;
onOnChange?: (event?: any) => any;

* 被选中时调用,参数为选中项的 value 值
$emit(eventName: 'on-select'): this;
onOnSelect?: (event?: any) => any;

* 搜索补全项的时候调用
$emit(eventName: 'on-search'): this;
onOnSearch?: (event?: any) => any;

* 聚焦时触发
$emit(eventName: 'on-focus'): this;
onOnFocus?: (event?: any) => any;

* 失焦时触发
$emit(eventName: 'on-blur'): this;
onOnBlur?: (event?: any) => any;

* 清空时触发
$emit(eventName: 'on-clear'): this;
onOnClear?: (event?: any) => any;


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