V4.0 changes:
- New function Global or Player Textdraw
- New export mode (Mixed mode)
- Hold the ALT key for better precision to edit the Textdraw
Zamaroht's TextDraw Editor Version 1.0RC2. Designed for SA-MP 0.3.
Author: Zamaroht (Nicolás Laurito)
Start of Development: 25 December 2009, 22:16 (GMT-3) End of Development: 01 January 2010, 23:31 (GMT-3)
Disclaimer: You can re-distribute this file as you wish, but ALWAYS keeping the name of the author and a link back to http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=143025.0 attached to the mean of distrubution. For example, the link with the author's name in a public forum topic, or a separate README file in a .zip file, etc. If you modify this file, the same terms apply. You have to include the original author (Zamaroht) and the link back to the mentioned webpage.
- PlayerTextDraw function add by adri1
- SetSelectable function add by adri1
- 2D TextDraws function add by adri1
- Set Global or Player function and Mixed export mode
add by ForT.