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How to Pomelo!

Johannes edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 1 revision

courtesy of foxmerald

Get yourself a nice white or pink fleshed pomelo and a sharp knife. Be sure to wash it well before getting started.

First, cut off the top. Try not to cut into the flesh if possible.

Next, cut down the peel in slices. Again, try not to cut too deep. We don't want everything to be soaky and dripping.

Now it's time to open the peel.

Cut open the top...

... put your thumbs in and rip it open.

Now you can most likely already eat your first slices of pomelo. Just release the flesh from the skin. No cutting necessary.

Next take your knife and cut open one of the outer walls. Again, try not to cut too deep into the flesh.

Separate the flesh from the skin and pull it out. Try to get rid of as much white stuff as possible - it's quite bitter.

Repeat this process.

That's it. Enjoy your pomelo! 🍊🍊🍊

P.S. If you don't eat the whole pomelo, just peel it, seal it tightly and put it in the fridge ✌️

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