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classifications to be supported

Knut Wenzig edited this page May 7, 2017 · 8 revisions

Possible data structures for sources, try to use terms from XKOS:

scheme_id label cross Text URL(s) Overview URL Used Table commit-comment validfrom
KldB2010 Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 Prosa first version 2017-03-01
KldB2010 Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 Prosa one item removed, a second one added 2017-04-20
ISCO88-ILO International blub Prosa ILO
ISCO88-Ganze International Ganzeboom SIOPS SPSS-Script bla bla

Possible data structure for classifications:

versioning by duplication:

scheme_id concept label validfrom
KldB2010 12435 Berufblub 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12345 Berufblub 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12346 Berufbla 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12435 Berufblub 2017-04-20
KldB2010 12345 Berufblub 2017-04-20
KldB2010 12347 Berufblablubb 2017-04-20
EGP 1 Klasse I
EGP 2 Klasse II

versioning by instroducing/deprecation:

scheme_id concept label deprecated introduced
KldB2010 12435 Berufblub . 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12345 Berufblub . 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12346 Berufbla 2017-04-19 2017-03-01
KldB2010 12347 Berufblablubb . 2017-04-20
EGP 1 Klasse I
EGP 2 Klasse II

Possible data structure for crosswalk operations:

input_scheme_id input_concept output_schme_id output_concept prob
KldB2010 12345 EGP 1 1
KldB2010 12346 EGP 1 0,5
KldB2010 12346 EGP 2 0,5