To use the script, you need the following:
- Go installed
- Visual Studio Code installed with the code command available in your terminal.
git clone
cd vscode-go
Below is the list of the current extensions included in this project:
golang.Go: Go support for Visual Studio Code.
DBCode.dbcode: Database support for Visual Studio Code.
ms-azuretools.vscode-docker: Docker support for Visual Studio Code.
usernamehw.errorlens: Real-time error highlighting in the editor.
eamodio.gitlens: Git integration with powerful features for Visual Studio Code.
donjayamanne.githistory: View git history and commits within Visual Studio Code.
ionutvmi.path-autocomplete: Autocomplete paths and filenames in Visual Studio Code.
Navigate to the project directory and build the Go script:
go build -o install-extensions
Then run the script by specifying the path to your extensions.json file:
./install-extensions extensions.json