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Generate new projects from git repositories

new is a command to create new projects based on existing git repos. It simply shallow clones a repository to a directory with your specified new project name, and cleans up the git files like they were never there. It also supports 1:1 string replacement.

Installation Options


pip install new-project


You can create new project from any github repository with just the username and project name

The following command will create a new project for you based on this one, if you do not provide a full git url it will default to GitHub:

new myNewProject divanvisagie/new

You can also specify a URL to any git repository that you have access to:

new myNewProject [email protected]:divan/new.git

These examples are just simple clones though, new also lets authors configure a repository so that it will prompt you to replace strings that you may want to rename for your project.

You can give it a try with:

new myNewProject divanvisagie/kotlin-tested-seed

You will see that it prompts you to replace the package name, just pressing enter will skip this and keep the name:

> new myNewProject divanvisagie/kotlin-tested-seed
Creating testbed from 
Enumerating objects: 14, done.
Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Total 14 (delta 0), reused 10 (delta 0), pack-reused 0

Enter replacement text for com.divanvisagie.example

    text       : com.divanvisagie.example
    description: The package name

> com.divanvisagie.mynewproject

The reason we see this is because the kotlin-tested-seed repository contains a .new.yml file at its root:

    - match: com.divanvisagie.example
      description: The package name

You can configure as many match strings as you want in your own seed projects.


Set up the python environment with:

python -m venv env

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Tests are run with pytest