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A single user project, task, and time management system.

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PPM (PPM project mangement) is a single user project, task, and time management system.

It has the following features:

  • Create projects
  • Create tasks connected to projects
  • Add time entries on tasks
  • Overview of time used per week / task / project
  • Mobile and desktop friendly


You can try it or use it on

It only works with await / async and some other 'modern' features enabled in the browser.

There is no transpiling of the javascript.

If you have updated you browser the last couple of years you will be good to go.


Works on: PHP >= 8.1

Clone the source code:

git clone
cd ppm-project-manager

Install composer packages:

composer install

The config-locale dir will override settings in config.


Create a database and change the settings in config-locale/DB.php

cp config/DB.php config-locale/DB.php

Check if you can connect to the server and create the database:

./ db --server-connect
create database ppm;

You can look at the other config/ files, but you don't need to change these in order to run the system local now:

Load the sql files found in migration into a database.

./ migrate --up


Run the built-in PHP server:


On an apache2 server you will need something like the following added to your configuration, e.g. in a .htaccess file placed in www

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]


Point a browser to http://localhost:8000, create an account and log in. There is no verification of email address.

Using SMTP for email confirmation:

cp config/SMTP.php config-locale/SMTP.php
cp config/Account.php config-locale/Acoount.php
  • Remove no_email_verify in Config-locale/Account.php or set it to false.
  • Edit the SMTP configuration in config-locale/SMTP.php.

Google login using OAuth:

cp config/Google.php config-locale/Google.php
  • Set google in config-locale/Account.php to true.
  • Setup google OAuth in config-locale/Google.php.

Docker commands

If you want the system to run on docker you may look at the the docker instructions.


water.css (A drop-in collection of CSS styles)

Build svg logo


Favicon generator

Convert favicon_io/android-chrome-192x192.png to 70x70 logo:

cd www && convert favicon_io/android-chrome-192x192.png -scale "70x70" assets/logo.png


MIT © Dennis Iversen