VacRoute is an online vaccination center tracker which can track vaccination centers around you and show you the optimum route to reach the center.
It uses django as backend for url routing and API fetching. It is powered by COWIN API, Google maps API, Mapquest API.
(** we tried to use google maps direction api for getting the route but it needs billing acccount which we don't have)
to know more visit website:
Home Page
- Mark Location from map
- Select marker
- Get route
- Clone the project
git clone
- Make virtualenv
python -m virtualenv [env name]
- Activate virtualenv
. [env name]/Scripts/activate
- Locate to core directory
cd core
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Runserver
python runserver
Frontend CSS, Javascript
Backend: django, Python, Javascript
API: COWIN API, Google Maps API, Mapquest API
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]