Configuration examples for DNSdist PowerDNS
Default configuration provided:
- Default configuration provided by PowerDNS LUA
DoX services:
Routing DNS traffic:
- Match Qname with regular expression YAML / LUA
- Tag your traffic and applied specified rules on it YAML / LUA
- Match your traffic from ECS client subnet YAML / LUA
- Read source IP client with ProxyProtocol and apply a specific routing on it YAML / LUA
- Add source IP client with ProxyProtocol YAML / LUA
- Ads/Malwares blocking with external CDB database YAML / LUA
- Blackhole/spoofing domains with external files YAML / LUA
- DNS tunneling blocking
- Blacklist IP addresses with DNS UPDATE control and dynamic blocking duration
- Blacklist IP during XX seconds, the list of IPs is managed with DNS notify and TTL for duration
- List of temporarily blocked domains, the list is managed with DNS notify
- Spoofing DNS responses like TXT, A, AAAA, MX and more...
Logging DNS traffic with DNS-collector:
- Remote DNS logging with DNSTAP protocol YAML / LUA
- Add extra informations in DNStap field YAML / LUA
- Remote DNS logging with Protobuf protocol YAML / LUA
- Full configuration with load balancing on public DNS resolvers
- Flush cache for domain with DNS NOTIFY
- Echo capability of ip address from domain name for development
- Resolve hostname from config
- Add uniq ID between queries and replies and send it through EDNS
- Set RequestorID with FFI
sudo docker compose up -d
Reload configuration
sudo docker compose restart
Display logs
sudo docker compose logs -f
dnsdist 1.8.0 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it according to the terms of the GPL version 2
Added downstream server
Listening on
ACL allowing queries from:,,,,,, ::1/128, fc00::/7, fe80::/10
Console ACL allowing connections from:, ::1/128
Marking downstream as 'up'
Polled security status of version 1.8.0 at startup, no known issues reported: OK
Testing DNS resolution
dig @ -p 8053 +tcp
Testing Web console access
curl -u admin:open