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Repository files navigation


it is a web-app for personal collections managements. It was made as a project for itransition internship.

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backend repository

Attention! The backend and data-base are deployed on a free service, so when you run the application for the first time, you need to wait a little bit. Thank you ✊🏻


The collection has a name, description, picture, theme, list of items. The item consists of a name, tags, custom fields, likes and comments. When creating/editing a collection, you can define a list of fields that each item of the collection will have. The collection with all its items and fields can be exported to a CSV file. You can add comments and likes to each item, which will be immediately displayed to other users (using Websocket). An unauthenticated user has read-only access. Authenticated users have access to everything except the admin panel. In the admin panel, you can manage users: delete, block, assign administrators. The administrator can delete, add, edit any collections and items on behalf of the author. An authorized user can only manage their own collections and items. The list of the user's collections can be viewed in his profile. On the main page, you can view the last added items, filter them by tags, and view the most popular tags. You can also see collections sorted by the number of items and filter them by theme. You can register an account using email confirmation or using OAuth (GitHub, Google, Facebook). Full-text site search is available on each page. The app supports 2 languages: English and Russian, as well as two visual themes - dark and light. The app supports 2 languages: English and Russian and two visual themes - dark and light


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Frontend stack

  • react@18
  • react-router-dom@6
  • typescript
  • reduxjs/toolkit
  • meilisearch - full-text engine
  • socket-io - to display likes and comments
  • firebase storage - to save user avatars and entities images
  • i18n - EN/RU localisation
  • @sweet-monads/either - to convenient handling of exceptions and errors


  • mui/material mui/x-data-grid mui/x-date-pickers mui/icons-material mui-image toastify
  • react-tagcloud
  • react-instantsearch-dom


  • nodeJS
  • typescript
  • express
  • sequelize (Postgres)
  • - to display likes and comments
  • meilisearch - full-text engine
  • jsonwebtoken
  • bcrypt
  • @sweet-monads/either - to convenient handling of exceptions and errors


  • postgreSQL (ORM: Sequelize)


Authorisation routes

POST /user/registration - user's sign up
POST /user/login - user's sign in
POST /user/logout - user's logout
POST /user/reconnect - reconnect
GET /user/refresh - gets refresh tokens

User routes

GET /user/getusers - gets list of all users
GET /user/getuser/:id - gets particular user
DELETE /user/delete - deletes array of users
DELETE /user/destroy/:id - deletes on user

Admin routes

PUT /user/block - block user's account
PUT /user/unblock - unblock user's account

Collection routes

POST /collection/create - creates a collection (for logged-in users)
GET /getcollections/ gets all collections
GET /collectio/getone/:id - get collection by id
GET /collection/getthemes - gets all collection themes
GET /collection/topamountofitems - get collections with top amount of items
PATCH /collection/edit - edits a collection (for logged-in users)
DELETE /collection/delete/:id - deleting a collection (for logged-in users)
PATCH /collection/edit - edits a collection (for logged-in users)

Item routes

POST /item/create - creates an item (for logged-in users)
GET /item/getitems - gets all items
GET /item/getone/:id - gets item by id
GET /item/tags - gets all tags
GET /item/toprated - gets all tags with top amount of likes
GET /item/topcomments - gets all tags with top amount of comments
PATCH /item/update - edits an item (for logged-in users)
DELETE /deleteone/:id - deletes an item (for logged-in users)

Dev routes (only for developers)

POST /dev/meilisearch_setup - sets up the full-text engine (meilisearch)
POST /dev/indexing/collections - indexes of all collections in the full-text engine
POST /dev/indexing/items - indexes of all items in the full-text engine
POST /dev/indexing/comments - indexes of all comments in the full-text engine


No description, website, or topics provided.






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