Licence: GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE © Daniela Neupert 2018
In this thesis a German Chatbot for student guidance was developed with ChatScript.
To use the prototype download ChatScript. Mac-Users have to use one of the methods from this site to compile ChatScript.
Put the TEST-file and the filesMine.txt into the RAWDATA-Folder.
Follow the instruction on this site to install the german TreeTagger.
To use the prototype on the command promt on Windows:
Open command promt and go to C:...\ChatScript\BINARIES
ChatScript language=german
To use the prototype on the command promt on a Mac:
- Open command promt and run .../ChatScript/BINARIES/MacChatScript local language=german
To use the prototype in the browser on Windows:
Start the LocalServer.bat in the C:...\ChatScript\SERVER_BATCH_FILES
Install Wamp-Server
Put everything in the Webinterface-Folder inside the www-Folder of the Wamp-Server.
Start the Wamp-Server.
Go to
To use the prototype in the browser on a Mac:
Open command promt and run .../ChatScript/BINARIES/MacChatScript language=german
Install Xampp-Server (or something similar)
Put everything in the Webinterface-Folder inside the www-Folder of the Server.
Start the Server.
Go to