A repo of small useful scripts that i wrote.
:Provides a summary of information about macOS system.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XLNCs/UsefullScripts/master/sysinfo.sh)
:Set the correct or a custom CPU name in 'About This Mac
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XLNCs/UsefullScripts/master/cpunamefix.sh)
NOTE : If your 'About This Mac' window still doesnt show the correct CPU name then set the CPU 'Type' to 'Unknown' in your clover config.plist and reboot.
:Rebuild kernel caches or install kernel on macOS
curl -s -o ~/Desktop/kerntool.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XLNCs/UsefullScripts/master/kerntool.sh &&
chmod +x ~/Desktop/kerntool.sh
Usage: kerntool.sh [ -r | -k | -ke ]
./kerntool.sh -r : Rebuilds caches only
./kerntool.sh -k <kernel-file> : Installs provided kernel then rebuilds caches
./kerntool.sh -ke <kernel-file> <System.kext-file> : Installs provided kernel and system.kext then rebuilds caches
./kerntool.sh -k ~/Desktop/kernel
./kerntool.sh -k ~/Desktop/kernel.test [ Use Bootflag : kcsuffix=test ]
./kerntool.sh -ke ~/Desktop/kernel ~/Desktop/System.kext