Dogebox Panel - Web UI for managing a Dogebox Server
All source code lives here. Whatever is contained in here is published. No build steps, compilation or transformation (at this stage), striving for “what you see is what you get”.
Dev server, configs and tooling to aid in the development process.
To run this in production, simply serve the /src directory. To run this locally (with some developer conveniences) follow the steps below.
- Expects to be running in a linux/unix environment (or WSL on Windows)
- Latest
Install dev dependencies and add 3x hostname entries.
cd dev
npm run setup
Start the development server:
npm start
Navigate to
dPanel running at http://dogebox.local:8080, with:
- Hot reloading (auto browser refresh on modify)
- SPA ready (index.html served at all routes)
- Basic CORS configuration
- API mocks (via Ctrl+L)
Two sample 'pups' (web-apps that dPanel iframes), running at