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#Google Spreadsheet Update Log Version: Beta

One day, when I am logged what I am doing, done, need to do and so on. I create a log sheet to mark all the things and the status, that was good. After a 10 record are recorded, it is difficult to read which tasks are not done. I have given a related color to each status, pending is yellow, awaiting color, green is safe, a work done color. Now I can easy to find which task are not done by color, that was good. After that, I always change the background color by myself, that was so tired to be a robot.

That's why the app script come out, I would like to do those things by Google automatically.

Today date is 2013-12-06, a discouraged and exhilarating day. I found that Google Spreadsheet provide 2 new function, when i right click in a cell

  • Coordination formatting
  • Data validation

The first one make me lose heart, my first mind: What the?!!! That is definitely replacing what my app script written for if it change a row background I'm totally lose, how can i fighting with google development team? No, no, can not stop now, I still have something would like Google helping me to do so.

On the another hands, the second function is extremely

一天,在工作時因為要記錄做了什麼。一份記錄清單便開始了,起初沒有什麼特別事發生, 記錄開始多了,雖然有標明狀態,但還是看得很吃力。於是為每種狀態想一種顏色, 等待的工作是汽車在等黃燈的黃色,完成後的工作是安全的綠色。被判決為回報錯誤的或是已取消的工作是灰色,如此如此這般這般 當加了一項記錄,便根據狀態自己轉顏色,再加入記錄的日期和完成工作的日期。每次都是一項記錄才進行的動作還可以認付。 做多了就發覺很累人,所以想做一條大懶蟲的我就再花多一點時間寫一段script幫我做……

先是寫了一段幫整張Sheet(Excel叫工作表)根據不同狀況轉換不同顏色,但每次執行時也要自行按一次執行又太麻煩。 太煩了不想按執行,但是不按又看得很辛苦又很麻煩。 Google應該沒有那麼笨可以自動幫我做吧,到Google找了找又再寫多一段,漸漸就成了現在的幾段。

今天是2013-12-06,發現了Google Spreadsheet提供了二個新功能

  • 條件式格式設定
  • 驗證資料

第一個幾符完全取代了我寫下的app script,只差一點點就被google擺了一道。 差點全敗了,一個人的作業與Google開發團體的作業,輸贏早定了,不行,燃燒起來了。

話說回來,我愛死第二個功能了。可以令column成為 unique KEY,即係可以變成Primary key, 有了PK即是可以洐生出Foreign key,而且還可以建立範圍清單。哈哈哈,那代表提供了更多空間可以做到更多事情。


<a href"" target="_blank">Installation / Configuration
Update Log - Template


###You need to change a few of value in the top of app script

var spreadsheetID = "0AlaVan9pZtAzdEF5Wm9HQzFiTlpNQVF4a3hmWDJxSGc";
var logSheetName = "Log";
var customizeStatusColorSheetName = "Status Color";
var statusChangeColumnName = "Status";

spreadsheetID: Replace with your spreadsheet ID
logSheetName: This the name of your log sheet
customizeStatusColorSheetName: If you would like overload the status color, put your own status color sheet name here, if you do not understand what this for just ignore it.
statusChangeColumnName: This is your "Status" column header

var backgroundColorPriority = [
  ["tailor make", "hardcode", "holding", "follow up", "misreporting", "cancelled", "pending", "release", "done"],
  ["#d9d2e9", "#f4cccc", "#f4cccc", "#c9daf8", "#efefef", "#efefef", "#fff2cc", "#d9ead3", "#d9ead3"]

Chagne the following color to your own, please notice that the status color are

var addTodayWhenEdit = [
  ["Report By", "Report Date"],
  ["Completed By", "Completed Date"]

##Change Log

  • (Future): Auto insert #.(issue) number
  • (Future): Auto insert default status after typing issue description
  • Can specify the status name, color and the priority in "Status Color" sheet without any coding (low performance, not recommend to use if you have known how to change backgroundColorPriority)

create a sheet call 'Status Color', the should be

Status Color in Hex/RGB Priority
Done rgb(201,218,248) 1
Pending 255,242,204 2
testing no color will set to white no priority will set to the lowest
  • Can specify the 'status change' column by your own

change the variable statusChangeColumnName value

  • Can set the status color in difference priority
  • Can specify the status and color by your own
  • (Auto) Insert current date after typing 'report by someone', you can specify the 'report by' column and 'report date' column
  • (Auto) Color change after onEdit in 'status' column


Please see the LICENSE file for further details.


Session Topic URL
0 Understanding Events
1 Understanding Triggers
2 Class Spreadsheet
3 Class Sheet
4 Class Range
5 Spreadsheets size and complexity limits


Spreadsheet to be a Log, website change log, software update log








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