A smart device connected to a plant, which measures the soil moisture level, the ambient temperature and humidity and based on the data collected it waters the plant to meet its needs.
- Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
- Grove Shield for Seeed Studio XIAO
- Watering Unit with Mositure Sensor and Pump
- AHT20 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- 3D-printed cap
- Break the XIAO ESP32 at the divider to reduce its size
- Attach the XIAO ESP32 to the top of the watering unit with a plastic collar
- Connect the antenna to the XIAO ESP32 and stick it on the side of the water unit
- Connect the sensor to the board with a Grove cable to pin 4 and 5
- Connect the water unit to the board with a Grove cable to pin 1 and 2
- Tape the sensor to the base of the watering unit using double-sided tape
- 3D print the cap and place it on the unit to cover everything
Arduino allows us to program our board so that it acts as desired. Create a new arduino project and paste the code from iot-gardening-station-arduino.ino into it. It will most likely be necessary to install the few libraries used.
- AHT20
- from Github: Download .ZIP
- In Arduino IDE: Sketch > Include library > Add .ZIP library and select the previously downloaded file
- Getting Started with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
- Grove - AHT20 I2C Industrial Grade Temperature&Humidity Sensor
- Arduino IDE - Importing a .zip Library
- Grove Shield Pinout
- Watering Unit example
The code is under the MIT LICENSE, the assets are BY-NC-SA 4.0.