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Spring Cloud Data Flow Maven Plugin

This Maven plugin provides support for orchestrating Spring Boot applications with Spring Cloud Data Flow.

Goals Overview

The Spring Cloud Data Flow Maven Plugin has the following goals.

  • scdf:deploy-standalone deploys a standalone application with Spring Cloud Data Flow
  • scdf:deploy deploys an Application Group Descriptor project with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Deploying a standalone application

A standalone application is any Spring Boot application. This application type is a proposal discussed in detail in this post.

Below is an example of adding this plugin to a Spring Boot application:


Deploying an Application Group Descriptor project

An Application Group Descriptor project is a Maven project/module that contains a descriptor file (application-group.yml by convention). This descriptor file contains the details of the applications that should be registered, as well as the definitions of the streams, tasks and standalone applications that should be created and deployed.

This application type is a proposal discussed in detail in this post.

Below is an example of adding this plugin to a Application Group Descriptor project:

                <!-- These deployment properties will be passed to the relevant streams on deployment -->
                        <!-- This goal parses the 'application-group.yml' descriptor file and
                        builds the app resource URI's if 'artifactId' are referenced as well as basic
                        validation of the structure of the descriptor file.

Application Group Processor Goal

The application-group-processor goal is responsible for parsing the descriptor file and expanding shortened URI references by using the Maven dependency details found in the POM.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: install.
  • Invokes the execution of the lifecycle phase install prior to executing itself.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description
applicationProperties Map<String, String> Application properties as defined when creating the application definition
deploymentProperties Map<String, String> Deployment properties as provided when deploying the application