This project use Name Entity Recognition to get insights from Restaurants' reviews.
- python==3.8.5
- numpy==1.19.2
- pandas==1.2.0
- pytorch==1.7.1
- transformers==4.2.2
- streamlit==0.75.0
(*) For a complete revision, please check environment.yml file.
- Windows 10: OK
- All linux-based os: OK
Clone repository and move to directory:
git clone && cd NERForRestaurants
Create and activate a virtual environment (I recommend to use conda):
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ner
Run the web application:
streamlit run
Open a browser and write in url:
(*) These steps are intended only to pretrain or finetune a model from a previous one.
Open config.yml and change value of stage to devel:
stage: "devel"
Install git-lfs to run long files:
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
Select a model from and clone in your local directory:
cd models && git lfs install && git clone{user_name}/{model_name}
Set the pretrained model to use in src/
BASE_MODEL_PATH = "../models/{model_name}"
Set the dataset to use in src/
TRAINING_FILE = "../datasets/reviews.csv"
Train your custom model:
cd ../src && python
Use your new custom model to predict tags in a text:
Temporarily, the web application will be hosted in
Please, contact me to: [email protected]