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Disease Correlation Network (DCN) Analyser

Disease Correlation Network (DCN) Analyser is a pipeline of disease correlation analysis with retrospective matched cohort study design using Cox Proportional Hazards (Cox-PH) regression in combination of interactive network display using graph theory. It allows clinicians to explore the relationships between any statistically disease pairs easily by studying the network with customized filtering, rearranging the network and calculating all the possible path between disease pairs.


  • Linux or Mac OS
  • python >= 3.7.0
  • Rscript >= 3.5.0

Environment setup

If you do not have the above environment, please set it up via the following conda commands:

$ conda create --name DCN python=3.7 r=3.5 r-essentials
$ conda activate DCN

You can change the environment name DCN to anything you want.

After you are done, use the following code to deactivate.

$ conda deactivate


Lin H, Rong R, Gao X, Revanna K, Zhao M, Bajic P, Jin D, Hu C, Dong Q. Disease correlation network: a computational package for identifying temporal correlations between disease states from Large-Scale longitudinal medical records. JAMIA Open. 2019 Aug 23;2(3):353-359. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooz031. PMID: 31984368; PMCID: PMC6952009.

Live interactive network display for the paper:


To check out the source code, go to To obtain the scripts and example DCN files, do the following:

$ git clone
$ cd DCN

After the github repository is cloned, you will find a folder named DCN. All the scripts and example data files will be included in it.

Test dataset

  • A test dataset with those two files are available in test.tar.gz file. Please unzip it to view and go through the tutorial. Please note that the test dataset is simulated, thus its results are not a true reflection of scientific discovery.
$ tar zxvf test.tar.gz
  1. View the example input file: cdc_first_test.tsv
  2. View the example meta file: disease_code_test.tsv
  3. View the time table: <DiseaseA>_<DiseaseB>.csv
  4. View the survival curves of significant disease pairs based on Cox-PH regression: <DiseaseA>_<DiseaseB>.cox.survival.png and residual plot: <DiseaseA>_<DiseaseB>.cox.residual.png
  5. Click on the index.html to view the result from example data.
  6. View the survival curves of significant disease pairs based on Random Forest survival analysis: <DiseaseA>_<DiseaseB>.rf.survival.png

Running test

You will need to run the following codes inside the DCN folder to complete the test:

  • Generate disease pairs
$ Rscript a0_generator.r -i ./test/cdc_first_test.tsv -m ./test/disease_code_test.tsv --outfolder ./example
  • Analyze disease pairs using both Cox-PH and RF regression
$ Rscript a1_analyzer.r -m ./test/disease_code_test.tsv --inputfolder ./example --outputfolder ./example/output
$ Rscript a1_analyzer.r --method RF -m ./test/disease_code_test.tsv --inputfolder ./example --outputfolder ./example/output 
  • Convert resulting Cox-PH regression results to json format for viewing
$ python ./example/output/CoxPH.edge.csv
  • Move results to the server folder
$ cp ./example/output/* web_server

Then just click-open the index.html inside web_server, you will see the network display. You can compare your results under the example folder with files in test folder.

NOTE: Files: CoxPH.edge.csv, RF.edge.csv, all.edges.csv.js, and all PNG files should be in the same folder as the index.html.

Quick start

  • This suite of analysis includes five major parts:
  1. Find all the exposed disease pairs;
  2. Find all matched non-exposed disease pairs;
  3. Perform Cox-PH regression on the two cohorts;
  4. Perform Random Forest survival analysis on the two cohorts;
  5. Visualize the results
  • Step 1-2 is achieved by a0_generator.r, step 3-4 is achieved by a1_analyzer.r, and step 5 is achieved by and index.html.

Required input files

  • Before running any analysis using this pipeline, please make sure you have an input EMR file formatted as tab delimited with 6 columns in the order of patient ID, disease ID/name, disease diagnose date ([%Y-%m-%d] or [%Y/%m/%d]), age, gender, race. No header is needed. It should be something like the following:
P00001  62      2012-01-16      66      F       White
P00002  509     2009-01-12      68      M       African American
P00002  23      2014-11-07      73      M       African American
P00003  23      2015-07-20      78      M       White
P00007  44      2014-04-28      51      M       White
P00008  509     2010-07-12      54      M       White
P00015  509     2008-04-21      60      M       White
P00016  63      2008-03-16      83      F       White
P00017  23      2014-11-13      48      F       White
P00018  509     2011-07-03      76      M       African American
P00018  14      2012-09-20      77      M       African American
P00018  23      2014-01-09      79      M       African American
P00019  23      2015-01-09      89      M       White
P00020  14      2012-05-25      65      F       African American
  • Meta file should be tab separated with header. The first column is the disease ID (should be consistant with the disease ID you have in the input data file), and second column is the disease name. Example of meta file:
id_col name_long
14 Prostate Cancer
23 Glaucoma
29 Obesity
509 Med:Progestins
43 Acute Myeloid Leukemia
44 Vitiligo
59 Chalazion
62 Cirrhosis
63 Psoriasis
67 Sarcoidosis

Getting started

NOTE: You will need to enter your own file paths in the code below.

Step 1: a0_generator.r

Find all the exposed and matching non-exposed disease pairs.

  • The default match finding criteria is: the matching subject is within 5 years of age difference (You can change this number using the argument: -y, --year), visit time is within 7 days (-d, --days) compared to the exposed counterparts, same race and gender.

  • The default screen criteria for a disease is: the minimum number of subjects for a disease is 100 (--minn), while the maximum is 10000 (--maxn), and the minimum number of disease A to disease B cases is 20 (-c, --minCaseNumber).

  • We have the option to choose whether to write out results for time-to-event = 0 (--saveT0).

  • Example code:

$ Rscript a0_generator.r -i /path/to/test/cdc_first_test.tsv -m /path/to/test/disease_code_test.tsv --outfolder /path/to/outputfolder

More options available:

$ Rscript a0_generator.r -h
data.table doParallel    foreach   optparse 
      TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE 
Usage: Rscript a0_generator.r -i <inputFileName> -m <metaFileName> [options]

		 >> This the step 1 of EMR package. << 
	This R script will find the exposure population for all diesease pairs appearing in the input file that satisfy disease A -> disease B, and and second, it will find the matching non-exposed population for all diesease pairs with some criteria, such as the matching patient should have the same gender and race as a good match control. Outputs are CSV files with paired exposed and non-exposed subjects information. One folder named T0_include with CSV files with time-to-event = 0 could be produced if you turn on the --saveT0 flag. Those files will be used as inputs for step 2 of the package.

		Input file name [required]. 
		Should be tab delimited with 6 columns in the order of patient_ID, Disease, Disease_Date ([%Y-%m-%d] or [%Y/%m/%d]), Age, Gender, Race. No header is needed. You could provide more information about the patient (additional columns), but only the measurement at disease A will be recorded

		Meta file for each disease name [required]. 
		First column is the disease ID used in the input file column Disease, second column is the disease name. All the other columns should be additional attribute of the disease, tab separated. Header is needed

		Intermediate files output folder, default is current directory

		Maximum number of subjects to be qualified as valid exposed cohort, default is 10000. If the total number of patients exceed this number, a subset of 5000 subjects will be randomly selected.

		Minimum number of subjects to be qualified as valid exposed cohort, default is 100

	-c INTEGER, --minCaseNumber=INTEGER
		Minimum number of A->B cases to keep disease pair, default is 20

		study duration (years), default is 5 years

		Age difference between exposed and non-exposed, default is 5 years

		Visit date difference between exposed and non-exposed, unit: days, default is 7 days

		A flag to save the cohort tables with time-to-event = 0. The output CSVs will be saved to T0_include folder, default is false

	-p INTEGER, --processors=INTEGER
		Number of cores/CPUs to use, default is 8

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit
  • Output: <DiseaseA>_<DiseaseB>.csv files.

  • Example time table:

ID type time event V3 V4 V5 V6
P41812 0 350 0 9/4/11 68 F White
P39443 0 770 0 11/7/10 52 M White
P41112 0 0 0 3/4/10 70 M White
P37186 0 0 0 12/24/16 67 F White
P28958 0 146 0 10/5/14 59 F White
P15618 0 1004 0 6/12/08 67 M White
P14117 0 0 0 9/12/08 78 F White
P24383 0 125 0 9/1/08 20 F White
P00008 1 0 0 9/4/15 60 M White
P00010 1 0 0 9/18/11 79 M White
P00018 1 0 0 1/9/14 79 M African American
P00028 1 805 0 6/5/10 55 M White
P00040 1 222 0 1/4/10 85 F White

Step 2: a1_analyzer.r

  • Perform either Cox-PH regression or Random Forest survival analysis, taking age, race, gender as covariates (or any other confounding factors supplied by user), and final output is an adjacency matrix with all the adjusted significant P-values and survival curve graphs.

Cox-PH regression

  • The default is to perform Cox-PH regression. Example code:
$ Rscript a1_analyzer.r -m /path/to/disease_code_test.tsv --inputfolder /path/to/all_csv_files/ --outputfolder /path/to/all_csv_files/outputs
  • Example CoxPH.edge.csv file output (This won't match the result after you run the code):
from to coef exp_coef se_coef z Pr N HRtest-p Pr.BH from_name_long to_name_long
14 23 1.337 3.809 0.137 9.786 <0.001 552 0.687 <0.001 Prostate Cancer Glaucoma
23 14 1.056 2.875 0.138 7.631 <0.001 1568 0.942 <0.001 Glaucoma Prostate Cancer
23 29 1.691 5.425 0.485 3.488 <0.001 1568 0.976 0.002 Glaucoma Obesity
23 43 0.615 1.850 0.183 3.358 0.001 1568 0.677 0.002 Glaucoma Acute Myeloid Leukemia
23 44 0.901 2.463 0.265 3.404 0.001 1568 0.506 0.002 Glaucoma Vitiligo
23 509 1.651 5.214 0.173 9.561 <0.001 1568 0.279 <0.001 Glaucoma Med:Progestins
23 63 0.769 2.158 0.239 3.212 0.001 1568 0.187 0.004 Glaucoma Psoriasis
29 23 1.069 2.914 0.201 5.319 <0.001 244 0.212 <0.001 Obesity Glaucoma
43 23 0.682 1.977 0.158 4.323 <0.001 350 0.069 <0.001 Acute Myeloid Leukemia Glaucoma
44 509 0.550 1.732 0.248 2.213 0.027 424 0.473 0.057 Vitiligo Med:Progestins
509 23 0.529 1.697 0.102 5.179 <0.001 1088 0.302 <0.001 Med:Progestins Glaucoma
  • Example survival curve:

example of CoxPH survival curve

In this test example, it shows the probability of getting Glaucoma across time between the population with and without Prostate Cancer. The strata =0 indicates the population without Prostate Cancer, while strata =1 indicates with Prostate Cancer. It suggests that people with Prostate Cancer develop Glaucoma faster than those who do not have Prostate Cancer.

  • Example residual curve:

example of CoxPH residual curve

For the same Prostate Cancer to Glaucoma disease pair, the residuals lie closely to the diagonal line, meaning the data has a relative good fit for Cox-PH model.

  • Example patient drop-off histogram:

example of dropoff hist

It examines the drop-off subjects distribution for the two populations (having Prostate Cancer and not), and test whether they are similar. Given the P-value = 0.027, which is < 0.05, suggesting that those two distributions are statistically not similar to each other. Users should use caution when considering it to be a meaningful disease correlation.

Random Forest survival analysis

  • To perform Random Forest survival analysis, run code:
Rscript a1_analyzer.r --method RF -m /path/to/disease_code_test.tsv --inputfolder /path/to/all_csv_files/ --outputfolder /path/to/all_csv_files/outputs
  • Example RF.edge.csv file output (This won't match the result after you run the code):
from to Pr_wil Pr_t NonExposedMean exposedMean Pr_wil.BH Pr_t.BH from_name_long to_name_long
14 23 <0.001 <0.001 1501.946 982.018 <0.001 <0.001 Prostate Cancer Glaucoma
14 509 0.968 0.810 1482.072 1493.435 1.000 0.864 Prostate Cancer Med:Progestins
23 14 <0.001 <0.001 1665.489 1466.806 <0.001 <0.001 Glaucoma Prostate Cancer
23 29 <0.001 <0.001 1712.080 1681.140 <0.001 <0.001 Glaucoma Obesity
23 43 <0.001 <0.001 1661.658 1587.812 <0.001 <0.001 Glaucoma Acute Myeloid Leukemia
23 44 <0.001 0.001 1724.847 1680.445 <0.001 0.002 Glaucoma Vitiligo
23 509 <0.001 <0.001 1759.704 1557.293 <0.001 <0.001 Glaucoma Med:Progestins
23 59 0.001 0.581 1751.787 1752.578 0.002 0.661 Glaucoma Chalazion
23 62 0.990 0.893 1694.242 1702.241 1.000 0.920 Glaucoma Cirrhosis
23 63 <0.001 <0.001 1653.121 1607.370 <0.001 <0.001 Glaucoma Psoriasis
23 67 0.172 0.467 1778.002 1771.577 0.254 0.615 Glaucoma Sarcoidosis
  • Example survival curve:

example of RF survival curve

  • More options:
$ Rscript a1_analyzer.r 

 randomForestSRC 2.5.0 
 Type to see new features, changes, and bug fixes. 

       survival randomForestSRC      data.table      doParallel         foreach 
           TRUE            TRUE            TRUE            TRUE            TRUE 
         OIsurv        optparse         ggplot2       ggfortify       gridExtra 
           TRUE            TRUE            TRUE            TRUE            TRUE 
Usage: Rscript a1_analyzer.r -i <inputFileName> -m <metaFileName> [options]

		 >> This is the step 2 of EMR package. << 
	This R script will perform either Cox-PH regression or random forest survival analysis on the valid files in result folder from step 1. 
		 > CoxPH: an adjacency matrix with all the significant hazard ratios, hazard ratio test p-values, and survival curve and residual graphs.
		 > RF: Wilcoxon and T test p-values, mean time to event in exposed and non-exposed group, and survival curve graphs. 
		*Multiple test correction will be applied to the p-values in both methods.

		Input folder name. 
		Should be a folder that contains all disease trajectories. Each file is named as NameA_NameB.csv. Default is current directory

		Meta file for each disease name [required]. 
		First column is the disease ID used in the input file column Disease, second column is the disease name. All the other columns should be additional attribute of the disease, tab separated. Header is needed

		Survival analysis / random forest PNG output folder, default is the <inputfolder>

		Survival Analysis method, choises are CoxPH, RF. The default is CoxPH

		Adjacency matrix output file name, default is <method>.edges.csv

		study duration (years), default is 5 years

	-s DOUBLE, --sigcut=DOUBLE
		Significant P-value cutoff. Only p-values that are less than this cutoff will be considered as significant P-values, and kept in the adjacency matrix. Default is 0.05

	-e DOUBLE, --exp_coef=DOUBLE
		Exponentiated coefficients cutoff used in plotting survival curve. Default is 1.0

		Method of adjusting p-values, choices are holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY, and fdr. The default is BH

	-n INTEGER, --ntree=INTEGER
		Number of trees to run random forest, default is 1000

		A flag to control for matched subject in CoxPH. Default is false

	-p INTEGER, --processors=INTEGER
		Number of cores/CPUs to use, default is 8

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Step 3:

  • Parse the CoxPH adjacency matrix into a json object for webpage network display.
$ python /path/to/CoxPH.edge.csv

Screenshot of network disply

Step 4: Copy results to web server directory

  • Files: CoxPH.edge.csv, RF.edge.csv, all.edges.csv.js, and all PNG files should be in the same folder as the index.html.
cp /path/to/all_csv_files/outputs/* web_server


  • Version 1.6.3 Publication version
  • Version 1.6 Major improvement on the speed


  • Huaiying Lin. M.S., algorithm development, program coding and testing
  • Dr. Xiang Gao, theoretical conception and algorithm development
  • Dr. Qunfeng Dong, algorithm development
  • Kashi Revanna, cytoscape visualization
  • Petar Bajic, manuscript drafting and revision
  • Michael Zhao, software testing
  • Ruichen Rong, algorithm development, program coding and testing

Error report

Please report any errors or bugs to [email protected].

It seems that "randomForestSRC 3.2.2" may cause problems for the following step:

Rscript a1_analyzer.r --method RF -m ./test/disease_code_test.tsv --inputfolder ./example --outputfolder ./example/output

Either try an older version of randomForestSRC, or just skip this step and analyze the results just based on the default Cox-PH regression.




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