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Releases: drn/nerd-ls


29 Mar 06:40
@drn drn
Choose a tag to compare


a478e58 Add release section to README.
30d7645 Enable installation via homebrew.
651d623 Handle unknown file user and group.
cecc040 Properly handle display of Icon\r files.
bd214a3 Update .goreleaser.yml to match latest syntax.
b572330 Use rune length over byte length when formatting.


15 Nov 08:17
@drn drn
Choose a tag to compare


67a9ef8 Add 'Go Report Card' badge to README.
e54bff9 Add
2cbd2fc Adjust audio icon.
366cdff Fix README link to patched font.
7a54db7 Fix typo in options/root comments.
9e6f171 Handle filenames longer than screensize.
e23d335 Inject names for current and parent directories.
c28cb68 Replace benchmarks with hyperfine benchmarks.
e9587f0 Run gofmt -s -w . on codebase.
ac32787 Update README screenshot.


07 Feb 20:44
@drn drn
Choose a tag to compare


a6ad3d4 Abbreviate symlink path if possible.
fd3861e Abort and display usage on invalid flag.
8796d74 Add "In Development" notice.
1e11b57 Add ./ and ../ support for -a flag.
b8a8a09 Add .goreleaser.yml.
6913a49 Add CircleCI badge to README.
cc19138 Add README screenshot.
a29135c Add additional node name spacing.
f5f8a46 Add all flag permutations to CircleCI.
9d2ee3e Add basic benchmarks.
638e2e1 Add benchmark script and update README benchmarks.
1af2ab1 Add better-ls to benchmarks.
68f5b4e Add color to no-width compact listing.
72bf97c Add color to symlink source.
5e8c7b5 Add comments to format package public functions.
1e66eb7 Add credit in README and icon config files.
885ed4d Add date & time to long format.
c2fcc37 Add exa to benchmarks.
28b0548 Add file icon alias support.
daeba9f Add git lfs configuration.
6957a2e Add icon and name coloring back to long format.
a0dbabe Add illinoisjackson/*-better-ls to credits.
3af0314 Add initial README.
1f6535c Add initial circle config.
3e1bc8f Add link count to long format.
d955f3a Add logs and linebreaks to CI listings.
4ca8c6a Add nerd-font requirement note to README.
dde2926 Add nerd-fonts to credit section.
a545080 Add node size padding.
f3ac9e5 Add references to README.
08633de Add summary to top of long listing.
83fdf07 Add support for custom folder icons.
1ae23f1 Add support for symlinks.
8071c3e Add unjustified file size to long format.
6f3d0fa Add user and group to long format.
1f5d556 Adjust -l flag to use appropriate format name.
41e524d Adjust format options to map[string]int.
a06e361 Adjust git icons.
9da1269 Basic ls.
1febdf8 Capture node uid and gid.
ddb312a Center screenshot in README.
567b043 Color node size attributes in long format.
92ffd38 Color node time & date attributes in long format.
75307dd Color nodes modified today.
4cd70bd Colored directory listing.
b8ba4a9 Consolidate size format logic.
f722b0b Consolidate time formatting logic.
73cc823 Count number of runes in node name.
0f9ef75 Cover input path in CircleCI listings.
c345038 Determine Node attributes on Fetch.
e034b67 Export Node interface instead of struct.
301420f Extensible format padding.
51a6412 Extra file parsing to Node package.
e00652b Extract icon lookup to icon package.
6bbb00a Extract node icon to separate function.
475b145 Handle unset terminal dimensions.
75bf49b Humanize file sizes by default.
117cca8 Initial nerd-ls -l functionality.
77985fe Initial node coloring.
798216a Introduce list package.
f4e3f76 Make padding more consistent with standard ls -l.
5d78dbc Mark *.orig files in red by default.
5e366a8 Memoize node name.
a6bf59b Memoize node size.
e6ef6f5 Move IsToday check to util package.
1dadd4c Move StripColor() to util package.
5896f70 Move extractValues out of format.Long().
cc82460 Move format switching to format package.
da5abdc Move formatting logic to format package.
67a5f06 Move icon lookup to map.
081e3c2 Node style adjustments and remove memoization.
6773817 Only use nerd-font icons if -i/--icon flag is on.
63668aa Parse flags via options.Parse.
609f0e5 Prototype -a flag support.
9573cd9 Prototype directory icon.
aa2be49 Prototype flag parsing.
0e382e5 Prototype mode colorization.
1452378 Prototype tree display option.
afa0f28 Remove "in development" note from README.
4557449 Remove extra '\n's from CI listings.
c12f784 Remove formatting logic from list package.
2893777 Remove formatting logic from node package.
e96dd25 Remove git-lfs.
c0d419f Remove periods from flag descriptions.
8237285 Remove unnecessary list.List struct.
de52f10 Remove unused long package.
223bf70 Remove unused width() function from main.go.
bd3fa65 Rename boolToInt to btoi.
3f470d3 Rename nodeColor regex and support ignore regex.
ae677e9 Resolve wrapping issue & skip trailing padding.
d934c86 Rewrite format.Compact logic.
6b3b439 Right justify all attributes except last.
2864955 Sample icon extensions.
ab171a9 Scope colorize func to formatMode func.
dcfffbe Separate icon file / folder defaults.
a7399ce Share logic between compact and long formatting.
4eeed3f Simplify initial node.Fetch allocation via estimate.
18df8b9 Support input directory path.
fc2f843 Support multiple input nodes.
558311f Swap node color() to return *color.Color.
2c49161 Switch options to map[string]interface{}.
e533e5d Switch to jessevdk/go-flags for flag parsing.
41f9158 Update README screenshot.
61a2706 Update README screenshots.
749f1d9 Update README usage & install notes.
8296f6e Update golang icon.
051cec5 Update nerd-ls benchmark post node refactor.
b772b6e Use OS idependent file.ModTime() for time.
d8e7f63 Use flag.Args() over os.Args.
35d052e Wrap README benchmarks in a collapsible section.