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Agenda for rev03 of CECAN site

David Rozas edited this page Sep 27, 2016 · 3 revisions

Agenda for rev03 of CECAN site (28/09/2016), with Julia and Kirstie


No rush for this because I cannot do any real work on the website for another week or so - but Candice would like to know if it is posisble to add a new page for content underneath 'who are we' - entitled CECAN Fellowships. I'm guessing at this stage this would be content in list format rather like the news page, because there are already about 6 agreed fellowships and there will be more. I wondered if we could create in a similar style to the news page, where you add new 'fellowship' as a content item?

  • Similar to news? Or more like blogposts?
  • Detailed view?
  • Paths? Menu?


"Another thing we need to discuss next week is the creation of a 'wiki' page on the website, in which our PPN (policy & practice note) documents can be housed, but housed in such a way that they can be continually updated. I have no experience of how to create this but I hope you may have!"

  • Who will be editing it? Open vs closed. Moderation if necessary
  • What kind of contents? WYSIWYG enough? Review system? Revisions?
  • Only one page? Several pages? Index?
  • Paths? Where to place it?

Youtube: Check if solved