Official website for DSC UTP (Developer Student Clubs UTP)
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- About the Project
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- Roadmap
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
Developer Student Clubs (DSC) are community groups for students from any academic background in their undergraduate or graduate term. By joining a DSC, students build their professional and personal network, get access to Google developer resources, and work together to build solutions for local problems in a peer-to-peer learning environment.
The website is built with jekyll, hence jekyll and ruby need to be installed for development.
After installing jekyll, you can proceed to clone the project:
$ git clone
To run the website, use the following command in the root directory of the project:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Note: just running $ jekyll serve
command is enough sometimes depending your installation
The website will run on port 4000 by default, open localhost:4000
on your browser to see the website.
The structure of the project looks something like this:
├── config.yml
├── _site # Dont touch this folder, it should be regenerated by jekyll
├── _data
| └── team.yml
├── _posts # currently where activity posts is stored
| └──
├── _includes
| ├── events.html # Show activities card list
| ├── footer.html
| ├── head.html # head tag of the site
| ├── navigation.html # Navigation bar and stuff
| ├── preloader.html # show google preloader
| └── team.html # show core team member card list
├── _layouts
| ├── default.html # Layout of root page
| └── post.html # Layout of activity/post page
├── assets # put images/assets for post/activity here_
├── images # put all other images here
├── css
├── js
└── index.html # Root page of this folder
To make changes on the index page, go to index.html
in the root directory. Do note that some part have been modularized and separatated into files in _includes
directory. Also, the index.html
is using _layouts/default.html
This section covers making change on Team sections shown on the root page.
Go to data/team.yml
, and make the necessary change
Go to _includes/team.html
to make changes on the html code of the Team section.
This section covers making change on Activity/Event sections on the root page.
Create a new file inside _posts
directory. Please follow the naming convention
. A HTML file may be used instead of markdown.
Inside the file, the following front matter can be used.
layout: post
title: "Title of Workshop"
date: 2019-10-05 15:54:18 +0800 # Date of posting
categories: event
event_date: 2019-10-23 08:00:00 +0800 # Date of the event (will be shown on card)
thumbnail: assets/thumbnail-file-name.jpg
Please upload the thumbnail of the event inside assets
directory, and put the thumbnail path on the front matter.
The HTML code used for the event page can be changed in the _layouts/post.html
. If you want to use a unique layout instead, create a new html file inside _layouts
directory. Then specify the use the created layout on the front matter of the post.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project / Clone the project (For members that have been given access)
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
You can message us on our Facebook Page.