There are millions of APIs around the world that provide access to data. APIs from a technical standpoint, they allow the capabilities of one computer program to be used by another. They are a means by which two different programs are able to communicate, so why not use them. The purpose of this script was to learn how to use the "requests" library.
- you need to create an account on and generate your token
- put your token here
'access_key': 'Place your token here'
- run the script 😉
The script retrieves the data from the API and then saves it to a .csv file.
In this example, I used the website, which provides data on exchange rates.
The script makes an HTTP request using the Python Requests package. The downloaded data is placed in the user's home
directory, in the currency_data
directory, which is created automatically, if it does not exist. In addition, only the last 7 files are saved and older ones are deleted.
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