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1inch: updates-13 #24362

1inch: updates-13

1inch: updates-13 #24362

Workflow file for this run

# .github/workflows/app.yaml
name: dbt slim ci
- 'scripts/**'
- 'Pipfile'
- '.gitignore'
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: [ self-hosted, linux, spellbook-trino-ci ]
timeout-minutes: 90
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup variables
run: |
echo "GIT_SHA=$(echo ${{ github.sha }} | tr - _ | cut -c1-8)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PROFILE=--profiles-dir $HOME/.dbt --profile dunesql" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Add git_sha to schema
run: "/runner/ git_dunesql_$GIT_SHA"
- name: Get latest manifest
run: "aws s3 cp s3://manifest-spellbook-dunesql/manifest.json manifest.json"
- name: dbt dependencies
run: "dbt deps"
- name: Activate DuneSQL Cluster
run: "./scripts/"
- name: dbt compile to create manifest to compare to
run: "dbt --warn-error compile $PROFILE"
- name: check schemas
run: |
test=$(dbt --quiet --no-print ls $PROFILE --resource-type model --select state:modified,config.schema:no_schema --output path --state .)
[[ -z "$test" ]] && { echo "Success: All models have a custom schema"; exit 0; } || { echo "Found models without custom schema:"; echo "$test"; exit 1; }
- name: dbt seed
run: "dbt seed $PROFILE --select @state:modified --exclude tag:prod_exclude tag:remove --state ."
- name: dbt run initial model(s)
run: "dbt -x run $PROFILE --select state:modified --exclude tag:prod_exclude tag:remove --defer --state ."
- name: dbt test initial model(s)
run: "dbt test $PROFILE --select state:new state:modified --exclude tag:prod_exclude tag:remove --defer --state ."
- name: Set environment variable for incremental model count
run: |
echo "INC_MODEL_COUNT=$(echo dbt ls $PROFILE --select state:modified,config.materialized:incremental --state . --resource-type model | wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: dbt run incremental model(s) if applicable
if: env.INC_MODEL_COUNT > 0
run: "dbt run $PROFILE --select state:modified,config.materialized:incremental --exclude tag:prod_exclude tag:remove --defer --state ."
- name: dbt test incremental model(s) if applicable
if: env.INC_MODEL_COUNT > 0
run: "dbt test $PROFILE --select state:modified,config.materialized:incremental --exclude tag:prod_exclude tag:remove --defer --state ."