Description of the algorithm can be found here:
Our implementation: To create a Genetic Algorithm for a problem.
Create a subclass of GeneticChromosome.
Create a subclass of ChromosomeFactory.
Create a main program to run the simulation.
Create a subclass of GeneticChromosome. Override the following abstract methods: public abstract int calculateFitness(); public abstract int length(); public abstract boolean getBit(int index); public abstract void setBit(int index, boolean value);
Create a subclass of ChromosomeFactory. Override the following abstract methods: //create a default chromosome public abstract T createChromosome();
//create a chromosome with random components set where the //parameter is the probability that a bit is set to 1 public abstract T createRandomChromosome(double probability);
//override crossover to define different ways to handle the crossover operation // the default is random
Create a main program to run the simulation. a. Construct a GeneticEvaluator object. b. Call the evolve method on that object.
Developed and impemented a new fitness evaluation function. The function generated a drastically different kind of puzzle. Further research direction is to find quantitative ways to compare the original and new kinds of puzzles. Advised by Dr. Clifton Pressor