Since the cab rental procedure is conducting completely manually here in Sri Lanka, I decided to introduce a smart way to make it automate. Hence I implemented a working prototype for one of my project assessment in university. Basically I wanted to have a system which supports both “taxi service” and “rent a car” options .But here I have focused only on “rent a car” option due to the given limited time duration to complete the project.
The system contains two parts.
- A physical device that is placed in the vehicle which tracks the mileage and position while uploading the real time data to a central database.
- Web console for business owners to manages vehicles and payments.
Arduino based development (not described in this repository)
Bootstrap 3
Google map API
A few of the things you can do with the console
Admin features
- Add user accounts
- Manage user accounts
- Update vehicles details such as per day charge, repair history and relavent photo.
All user features
- Register new customers.
- Rent out vehicles for customers.
- Generate, print and pay the bil.
- View current loacations and completed milages of vehicles using google map(The red mark arround Badulla is the only vehicle that linked with the microcontroller.Other markers are for the demonstration purpose)
- Receipt reprints.
For live web app - Use Below credintials
* username - [email protected]
* password - 123456
* username - [email protected]
* password - 123456
This project is currently being inactive for nearly 2 years. But for learning purposes, I will built the missing modules such as Taxi management, adding new vehicles, Renting out for saved customers, refining trickey user interfaces etc...