Reason binding for react-table
All the features should be supported but a lot of them uses Javascript objects for the moment. The css need also to be import inside the HTML.
To see current progress and questions, look at the issues.
Don't hesitate to create issue to report a problem and create PR to add MOAR types !
npm install --save bs-react-table
Then add it to your bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dev-dependencies": ["bs-react-table"]
And then add this to your header in your html template :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Usage is very similar to the original package
let columns = [|
{"Header": "Name", "accessor": "name"},
{"Header": "Age", "accessor": "age"},
let data = [|
{"name": "thomas", "age": "25"},
{"name": "aude", "age": "23"},
{"name": "damien", "age": "32"},
let make = _children => {
render: self => <ReactTable.ReactTable columns data label=(Some("test")) />,
- @insidersByte and his reason binding of material-ui, bs-material-ui. This library helps me a lot to understand how to do bindings and a lot of other stuff !