This repository contains the code and supplementary materials for the paper "Efficient Multiagent Planning via Shared Action Suggestions".
├── src/
│ ├── problems.jl # Defines default parameters for the problems
│ ├── simulate.jl # Contains code for running individual simulations
│ ├── simulation_runner.jl # Runs all simulations
│ ├── policy_generator.jl # Used to generate additional policies
│ ├── output_data.jl # Displays results in a table
│ ├── policies/ # Contains a subset of generated policies
│ └── results/ # Contains simulation results
├── MultiAgentPOMDPProblems/
│ └── src/
│ ├── BoxPush/ # Cooperative Box Push
│ ├── JointMeet/ # Meeting in a Grid
│ ├── broadcast_channel.jl # Broadcast Channel
│ ├── multi_tiger_pomdp.jl # Dec-Tiger
│ ├── multi_wireless.jl # Wireless Network
│ ├── sotchastic_mars.jl # Mars Rover
│ ├── vis_utils.jl # Visualization Utilities
│ └── MultiAgentPOMDPProblems.jl # Package definition
├── install.jl # Installs the package
├── # This file
├── Project.toml # Defines the package requirements
└── Appendix A.pdf # Additional results (average and maximum size of belief sets)
All of the developement was done with Julia 1.10 and Julia 1.11. We recommend using the most up to date stable release, but it should work with Julia 1.8 or later. You can download Julia here.
To setup your environment, run the following from the root directory:
julia> include("install.jl")
or manually:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".")
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
julia> Pkg.develop(path="./MultiAgentPOMDPProblems")
julia> Pkg.precompile()
For details on the implemenation of the problem used, reference the MultiAgentPOMDPProblems
package. The parameters used for each problem can be found in the problems.jl
Only a subset of policies are included due to memory constraints. To generate additional policies, use src/policy_generator.jl
. The parameters used to generate the policies are in PROBLEMS_TO_RUN
with only the time limit being changed from the SARSOP parameters. Most policices converged prior to the time limit.
To run single simulations and visualize how the belief changes with the sharing of suggestions, use src/simulate.jl
using POMDPs
using POMDPTools
using MultiAgentPOMDPProblems
using ProgressMeter
using Printf
using JLD2
using DiscreteValueIteration # needed for loading the MMDP policy
# Used for handling results
using CSV
using Logging
problem_symbol = :tiger_3
control_option = :conflate_action
joint_problem, agent_problems, joint_policy, agent_policies, joint_mdp_policy = load_policy(problem_symbol)
joint_control = get_controller(:mpomdp, joint_problem, joint_policy, agent_problems, agent_policies) # Used to visualize the joint belief for comparison
# joint_control = nothing # This should be used when not wanting a visualization of the joint policy
control = get_controller(control_option, joint_problem, joint_policy, agent_problems, agent_policies; delta_single=1e-5, delta_joint=1e-5, max_beliefs=200)
seed = 42
s0 = rand(MersenneTwister(seed), initialstate(joint_problem))
results = run_simulation(
joint_problem, s0, control;
# Same packages as above and included files
problem_symbol = :joint_meet_2x2_ui_wp
control_option = :conflate_action
joint_problem, agent_problems, joint_policy, agent_policies, joint_mdp_policy = load_policy(problem_symbol)
joint_control = get_controller(:mpomdp, joint_problem, joint_policy, agent_problems, agent_policies) # Used to visualize the joint belief for comparison
# joint_control = nothing # This should be used when not wanting a visualization of the joint policy
control = get_controller(control_option, joint_problem, joint_policy, agent_problems, agent_policies; delta_single=1e-5, delta_joint=1e-5, max_beliefs=200)
seed = 43
s0 = rand(MersenneTwister(seed), initialstate(joint_problem))
results = run_simulation(
joint_problem, s0, control;
To recreate all experiments in the paper, run src/simulation_runner.jl
. This requires policies for all of the problems and must be computed using src/policy_generator.jl
The csv for the experiments is located at src/results/results_2024-10-15.csv
. To view the results in a table format, run src/output_data.jl