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Merge pull request #93 from cgay/dev
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Implement multipart/form-data
  • Loading branch information
cgay authored Mar 26, 2020
2 parents e696f60 + 14c043b commit cebe499
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Showing 5 changed files with 110 additions and 90 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion common/header-values.dylan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ end;
// Appear in Accept: and Content-Type: header fields

//---TODO: add more to this table. max-age, ...
//---TODO: add more to this table. max-age, boundary, ...
define table $parameter-parsers :: <string-table>
= { "q" => quality-value,
"level" => parse-integer-value };
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions common/headers.dylan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ define open generic get-header
(object :: <object>, header-name :: <byte-string>, #key parsed :: <boolean>)
=> (header-value :: <object>);

// TODO(cgay): can't remember why we'd ever want to retrieve an unparsed header.
// If there isn't a need for this distinction, remove it. Simplify simplify simplify.
// If there is, default to parsed and change the keyword arg to raw?.
define method get-header
(table :: <table>, header-name :: <byte-string>, #key parsed :: <boolean>)
=> (header-value :: <object>)
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions documentation/source/reference/server.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -342,6 +342,33 @@ The HTTP-SERVER module
:parameter #key as: An instance of ``false-or(<type>)``.
:value value: An instance of ``<object>``.

Return the first (and usually the only) query value associated with ``key``,
or ``#f`` if no value found.

Query values are any values from the query portion of the URL or from POST
data for requests encoded as either ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` or

See also: :func:`get-query-values`

.. function:: get-query-values

:signature: get-query-values (key) => (values)

:parameter key: An instance of ``<string>``.
:value values: An instance of ``<sequence>``.

Returns all query values associated with ``key``, or an empty sequence if no
values are found.

Query values are any values from the query portion of the URL or from POST
data for requests encoded as either ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` or
``multipart/form-data``. In some cases, such as file upload that allows
multiple file to be selected, there may be several values for a single key
and :func:`get-query-values` is what you need in that case.

For most common cases, however, :func:`get-query-value` is the right choice.

.. generic-function:: get-session

:signature: get-session (request) => (#rest results)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions server/core/library.dylan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ define module http-server
request-query-values, // get the keys/vals from the current GET or POST request
get-query-value, // Get a query value that was passed in a URL or a form
get-query-values, // Get a list of query values having the same key.
do-query-values, // Call f(key, val) for each query in the URL or form
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167 changes: 78 additions & 89 deletions server/core/request.dylan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ define open primary class <request>
slot request-host :: false-or(<string>) = #f;

// Query values from either the URL or the body of the POST, if Content-Type
// is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. Values are
// strings, #t, or lists of either. See get-query-value(s) and uri:uri:split-query.
constant slot request-query-values :: <string-table>,
init-function: curry(make, <string-table>);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ define method read-request
// further requests on the same connection. This is temporary and needs
// to be handled with more finesse.
process-request-content(request, request-content-type(request));
end method read-request;

// Parse the Request-Line and modify the request appropriately.
Expand All @@ -135,6 +137,8 @@ define function parse-request-line
remove-all-keys!(request.request-query-values); // appears unnecessary
if (url.uri-query)
for (value keyed-by key in url.uri-query)
// TODO: what should happen with duplicate keys? For form data all values
// for the key are retained but here we overwrite.
request.request-query-values[key] := value;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +208,6 @@ define function read-request-content
request-content(request) := buffer;
process-request-content(request, request-content-type(request));
end function read-request-content;

define inline function request-content-type (request :: <request>)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,8 +259,8 @@ define open generic process-request-content

define method process-request-content
(request :: <request>, content-type :: <object>)
// do nothing
// do nothing special for this content type
end method;

define method process-request-content
(request :: <request>, content-type == #"application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
Expand All @@ -271,30 +274,56 @@ define method process-request-content
end for;
// ---TODO: Deal with content types intelligently.
// For now this'll have to do.
end method process-request-content;
end method;

// See for full semantics of
// multipart/form-data. This code is in no way complete. It is enough to get
// working though.
define method process-request-content
(content-type == #"multipart/form-data",
request :: <request>,
buffer :: <byte-string>,
content-length :: <integer>)
=> (content :: <string>)
let header-content-type = split(get-header(request, "content-type"), ';');
if (header-content-type.size < 2)
let boundary = split(second(header-content-type), '=');
if (element(boundary, 1, default: #f))
let boundary-value = second(boundary);
extract-form-data(buffer, boundary-value, request);
// ???
request-content(request) := buffer
end if;
end method process-request-content;
(request :: <request>, content-type == #"multipart/form-data")
local method fail (msg :: <string>)
bad-request-error(reason: msg);
// By the time we get here request-query-values has already been bound to a
// <string-table> containing the URL query values.
let header :: <media-type> = get-header(request, "Content-Type", parsed: #t);
let boundary
= get-attribute(header, "boundary")
| fail("'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' missing 'boundary' parameter");
boundary := concatenate("--", boundary);

let parts = split(request.request-content, boundary,
remove-if-empty?: #t); // first separator is at position 0

// Treat each part like a full HTTP request: headers, blank line, body
let qvalues = request.request-query-values;
for (part in parts, i from 1)
// In Chrome, the "--" separator appears immediately following the last
// occurrence of the boundary. Skip it if it's the last element. Spec is
// vague on this.
if (~(i = parts.size & starts-with?(part, "--")))
part := strip-left(part);
let (headers, _, epos)
= with-input-from-string (stream = part)
// TODO: handle different content-types, charsets, transfer encodings.

let disposition :: <avalue>
= get-header(headers, "Content-Disposition", parsed: #t)
| fail("multipart/form-data missing 'Content-Disposition' header");
let name = element(disposition, "name", default: #f)
| fail("multipart/form-data missing 'name' parameter");
let form-value = copy-sequence(part, start: epos);
let val = element(qvalues, name, default: #f);
qvalues[name] := case
~val => form-value;
instance?(val, <string>) => list(val, form-value);
otherwise => pair(form-value, val); // val is a list
end if;
end for;
end method;

// Do whatever we need to do depending on the incoming headers for
// this request. e.g., handle "Connection: Keep-alive", store
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,81 +356,41 @@ define inline function empty-line?
len == 1 & buffer[0] == $cr

// This isn't used in the server, but I see a reference in network/turboblog
// which also isn't used, as far as I know. Commenting it out until I have
// time to assess it. --cgay
define class <http-file> (<object>)
constant slot http-file-filename :: <string>,
required-init-keyword: filename:;
constant slot http-file-content :: <byte-string>,
required-init-keyword: content:;
constant slot http-file-mime-type :: <string>,
required-init-keyword: mime-type:;
define method extract-form-data
(buffer :: <string>, boundary :: <string>, request :: <request>)
// strip everything after end-boundary
let buffer = first(split(buffer, concatenate("--", boundary, "--")));
let parts = split(buffer, concatenate("--", boundary));
for (part in parts)
let part = split(part, "\r\n\r\n");
let header-entries = split(first(part), "\r\n");
let disposition = #f;
let name = #f;
let type = #f;
let filename = #f;
for (header-entry in header-entries)
let header-entry-parts = split(header-entry, ';');
for (header-entry-part in header-entry-parts)
let eq-pos = char-position('=', header-entry-part, 0, size(header-entry-part));
let p-pos = char-position(':', header-entry-part, 0, size(header-entry-part));
if (p-pos & (substring(header-entry-part, 0, p-pos) = "Content-Disposition"))
disposition := substring(header-entry-part, p-pos + 2, size(header-entry-part));
elseif (p-pos & (substring(header-entry-part, 0, p-pos) = "Content-Type"))
type := substring(header-entry-part, p-pos + 2, size(header-entry-part));
elseif (eq-pos & (substring(header-entry-part, 0, eq-pos) = "name"))
// name unquoted
name := substring(header-entry-part, eq-pos + 2, size(header-entry-part) - 1);
elseif (eq-pos & (substring(header-entry-part, 0, eq-pos) = "filename"))
// filename unquoted
filename := substring(header-entry-part, eq-pos + 2, size(header-entry-part) - 1);
end if;
end for;
end for;
if (part.size > 1)
// TODO: handle disposition = "multipart/form-data" and parse that again
//disposition = "multipart/form-data" => ...
if (disposition = "form-data")
let content = substring(second(part), 0, size(second(part)) - 1);
:= if (filename & type)
make(<http-file>, filename: filename, content: content, mime-type: type);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end for;
end method extract-form-data;

// Hey look! More stuff to get rid of or move...

// Query values are
// * URL parameters
// * multipart/form-data body content
// * application/x-www-form-urlencoded body content

// get-query-value returns the first value for `key`. Use get-query-values if
// you want a vector of all the values for that key. For example, form data for
// multiple files uploaded under the same key.
define inline function get-query-value
(key :: <string>, #key as: as-type :: false-or(<type>))
=> (value :: <object>)
let val = element(*request*.request-query-values, key, default: #f);
if (as-type & val)
let val = if (instance?(val, <list>) & ~empty?(val))
if (as-type & instance?(val, <string>))
as(as-type, val)
end function get-query-value;

define inline function get-query-values (key :: <string>) => (values :: <sequence>)
let v = element(*request*.request-query-values, key, default: #f);
select (v by instance?)
<list> => v;
singleton(#f) => #();
otherwise => list(v);
end function;

// with-query-values (name, type, go as go?, search) x end;
define macro with-query-values
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