TLDR: Mapping free-text address -> Structured fields using machine learning.
This project has an api and application to map free-text street addresses to structured Australian GNAF fields.
It borrows heavily from the excellent address-net project and uses a pretrained Tensorflow model to parse and segment the free text address.
The /client
folder is a Terraform managed S3 website app hosted at that uses the api endpoint.
See /client/Makefile
for more information around deploying the app to AWS.
The project root is an AWS SAM managed API consisting of an API Gateway with Lambda backend.
The actual app that is deployed to Lambda is Dockerised and can be found in /app
See /Makefile
for more information around deploying the api to AWS.
Example Api response given a POST request with Unit 18/14-18 Flood St, Bondi, NSW 2026
"address": "Unit 18/14-18 Flood St, Bondi, NSW 2026",
"result": {
"flat_type": "UNIT",
"flat_number": "18",
"number_first": "14",
"number_last": "18",
"street_name": "FLOOD",
"street_type": "STREET",
"locality_name": "BONDI",
"state": "NEW SOUTH WALES",
"postcode": "2026"
"handler_time": "0:00:01.180911",
"runtime_time": "0:04:24.914928",
"model_dir": "/opt/ml/model/pretrained",
"version": "0.1.11"