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Release Notes 5.2.0

Philippe DUL edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 8 revisions

Release Plan

All fixed issues can be retrieved here : Fixed issues

Improved documentation

image image image

Online documentation for Kitalpha and Diffmerge

Kitalpha, Diffmerge, Amalgam and EGF source code have been migrated to Github. (all those are inner components of Capella)

With this migration, we now benefit of an online version of the embedded documentation.

Provide z-order menus/shortcuts("Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F") on edges to handle jump links (e.g tunnels)

The user can change the z-order on edges with the following actions:

  • Launch action "Format/Order/Send to Back" (through the corresponding contextual menu)
  • Shortcut keys "Ctrl+Shift+F" (select fe1 and fe3 => z-order is changed)


  • Shortcut keys "Ctrl+F" (select fe2 => jump link is now drawn on fe1 instead of fe2, at the crossing between fe1 and fe2. Nothing is changed at the crossing between fe2 and fe3).


Replace PNG images in Capella diagram by SVG ones for better zooming quality

From Capella 5.2.0, Diagram images have all been replaced by SVG to significantly improve zooming capabilities.

The elements impacted by this change are:

  • Capabilities, Missions, Capability Realization
  • Function kinds (Fork etc...)
  • Components, Actors
  • Initial, final and terminate state
  • Configuration items
  • Delete Message
  • Additionally, some elements used to have drop shadow effects such as capabilities, missions or states in order to get better edge routing and exportation.

Below, some examples:


Projects need to be migrated to Capella 5.2 to use SVG images.

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