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Welcome to cmf-test-app 👋


Starter application/template with Core Vite App

This repository serves as a template for ui application. Please see create-cmf-app how to initialize.

other documentation

Table of contents

Getting started


  • node (>=18 <=18.13.0)
  • yarn or npm (depends on choice when using create-cmf-app)
yarn install


yarn dev
  • starts application in development mode at localhost:2000

pre-commit hook

During git commit it checks a commit message. The message must comply with standard (Conventional Commits). e.g. feat(login): adds a new login page or feat: adds a new login page

pre-push hook

During git push command are executed following checks, push into repository is possible only if :

  • linting for every *.ts, *.tsx, *.js, and *.jsx file
  • typechecking i.e. code have to comply with TypeScript rules from tsconfig.json
  • unit tests (every *.test.ts, *.test.tsx, and *.spec.ts file)

We can run prepush checks manually:

yarn prepush

or we can run each check separately:


Runs ESLint and automatically fixing (fixable) linting issues

yarn lint


  • *.spec.ts - unit test
  • *.test.tsx - ui test
yarn test


yarn tsc


A development tool for building UI components in isolation. It provides a sandbox environment where developers can create, document, and test UI components independently of the vite-app-example, making component development faster and more efficient.

yarn storybook


We use @e1011/i18n-kit, a library that facilitates internationalization (i18n) in the vite-app-example enabling the localization of user interfaces to support multiple languages and regions.

translation files (i.e. locales) should be in json format and stored in /src/locales

Add a new component

We use plop.js to automate the process of creating a new component (React component, scss styles, UI test(react-testing-library), and storybook template), It helps developers to quickly coreVite repetitive code structures and improve code consistency. This approach is highly recommended.

yarn plop
// first query/prompt: module or path to a  components after components/, e.g. business/info
// second query/prompt: name of component, e.g. Panel
// result is components/business/info/Panel.tsx; 
// ...panel.test.tsx;
// ...panel.module.scss;
// ...

Typed scss modules

Generate TypeScript definitions (.d.ts) files for CSS Modules that are written in SCSS (.scss). This allows developers to take advantage of Typescript types and reduce errors and mistakes regarding scss classes.

You can automatically generate a type definition for a component or multiple components just running the following command:

yarn genereate:scss:types


Production build

yarn build

Production run

yarn start


  • Core Micro Frontend
  • system of Micro UI application (e.g. created with this app teamplate) are loaded and rendedred in the main frontend browser app or CoreVite

CMFWrapper that is WebComponent responsible for rendering this micro ui under shadow dom: core-micro-frontend

// access the saved config

// getCMFNamespace() is shorthand for window.cmf
// acces userInfo when loaded in CoreVite:
  • subscribeUserInfo?: (callback: Callback) => () => boolean
    • subcsribes to the changes of UserInfo (from identity /principal endpoint)
  • unsubscribeUserInfo?: (callback: Callback) => boolean
    • unsubscribes the previous subscribtion
  • requestUserInfo?: (callback: Callback) => boolean
    • triggers call to /principal
  • updatePageTitle? (title?: string, overwrite?: boolean): boolean
    • updates page title, either add to the default title that is controlled by coreVite (CoreVite | [RouteName]) or overwrites the complete page title
    • updated page title is seen in html page's head tag and tab/window

Routes configuration for CoreVite

In order for Scaffodl to load particular micro UI, coreVite must know the route at which load the UI app, and which asset files (.js and .css).


example in this repo public/routes.config.minimal.json, please use this file to test the micro ui app in coreVite locally.

example of routes.config.json:

  "routes": {
    "basePath": "/app",
    "auth": {
      "cmf-test-app": {
        "name": "cmf-test-app",
        "icon": "applicationsIcon",
        "tooltipText": "cmf-test-app",
        "apps": [
            "cssFiles": "[\"http://localhost:2001/bundle.css\"]",
            "jsFiles": "[\"http://localhost:2001/bundle.js\",\"http://localhost:2001/bundle.umd.js\"]",
            "mountId": "ui-cmf-test-app",
            "config": "{\"basePath\":\"/app/cmf-test-app\"}",
            "loader": true,
            "data-sample-attribute": "some serialized data for cmf-test-app"
    "unauth": {}

The example of public/routes.config.minimal.json is generated at the moment of creating application with create-cmf-app, placeholders in the template are replaced with package name etc.

To regenerate from template (scripts/routes.config.minimal.json): npm run build:routes:config

Run in CoreVite

For further info on what is: coreVite repo

How to run coreVite locally in like node cli (binary): npx @e1011/coreViteer public/routes.config.minimal.json

For more details please refer to: coreVite executor repo

Production microfrontend build (CMF) to be loaded by CoreVite

yarn build:cmf

Production run of microfrontend build (CMF), served as static local server

yarn start:cmf:local


for successful generating a changelog is required

  • versionrc.json - specification hashmap commit type to name. e.g. fix => Bug Fixes
  • having at least one commit with a version number in its commit message.

yarn changelog:release

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