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DALL-E 3 Image Generation Block for Edge Impulse

This is a transformation block that uses DALL-E 3 to generate synthetic data for your Edge Impulse project.

How to run (Edge Impulse)

Using the Synthetic Data feature (professional & enterprise)

The Studio now has a feature for interacting with Synthetic Data directly from the Studio; and the DALL-E 3 block is available there.

  1. Go to a Professional or Enterprise project, choose Data acquisition > Synthetic data.

  2. Select the 'DALL-E 3 Synthetic Image Generator' block, fill in your prompt and label, and hit Generate data.

    You currently need an OpenAI API Key, see

  3. Your synthetic data will show on the right side, for quick evaluation of your prompt.

Synthetic Data

Customizing this repository (enterprise only)

You can modify this repository and push it as a new custom Synthetic Data transformation block.

  1. Install the Edge Impulse CLI.

  2. Open a command prompt or terminal, and navigate to this folder.

  3. Create a new transformation block:

    $ edge-impulse-blocks init
    ? Choose a type of block: Transformation block
    ? Choose an option: Create a new block
    ? Enter the name of your block: Custom DALL-E Image Generator
    ? Enter the description of your block: Use the DALL-E API to generate new images.
    ? What type of data does this block operate on? Standalone (runs the container, but no files / data items passed in)
    ? Which buckets do you want to mount into this block (will be mounted under /mnt/s3fs/BUCKET_NAME, you can change these mount points in the St
    ? Would you like to download and load the example repository? no
  4. Push the block:

    $ edge-impulse-blocks push
  5. To show this block in Synthetic Data:

    1. Go to your Edge Impulse organization.

    2. choose Custom blocks > Transformation, find your new block, click the three dots, and select Edit transformation block.

    3. Enable 'Show in Synthetic data':

      Show in synthetic data

    4. Save the block.

  6. You can now access your modified block from Data acquisition > Synthetic data on any enterprise project.

How to run (locally)

  1. Install the dependencies:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the generate script:

    OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-... EI_PROJECT_API_KEY=ei_034... python3 --prompt "A photo of a factory worker wearing a hard hat" --label "hard_hat" --images 3

    Replace sk-... with a valid OpenAI API Key, and replace ei_034... with your Edge Impulse API Key (Dashboard > Keys).

  3. Output is stored both in output/ and uploaded to your Edge Impulse project.

--synthetic-data-job-id argument / x-synthetic-data-job-id header

If you want to build your own custom Synthetic Data block, you'll need to parse the (optional) --synthetic-data-job-id argument. When uploading data to the ingestion service you need to then pass the value from this argument to the x-synthetic-data-job-id header. implements this. This is required so we know which job generated what data, and is used to render the UI on the Synthetic Data page.


Use the Dall-E API to generate an image dataset







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