Welcome to Economics 421: Introduction to Econometrics (Winter 2025) at the University of Oregon (taught by Edward Rubin).
For information on the course specifics, please see the syllabus.
Problem Set 0: Review
Due: Tuesday, 28 January 2025 by 11:59 PM. Submit via Canvas.
Files: assignment | data | solutions
Problem Set 1: Heteroskedasticity, Clustering, and OLS Assumptions
Due: Saturday, 08 February 2025 by 11:59 PM. Submit via Canvas.
Files: assignment | data
Problem Set 2: Time-series data, analyses, and nonstationarity
Due: Sunday, 02 March 2025 by 11:59 PM. Submit via Canvas.
Files: assignment | data
Problem Set 3: Causality and review
Due: Optional Thursday, 13 March 2025 by 11:59 PM. Submit via Canvas.
Files: assignment | solutions
In addition to the past exams linked below, here are some additional materials to help you prepare for the final:
- topics list lists the main topics you should know from each of the sets of slides since the midterm (you need to know the pre-midterm topics as well);
- practice questions provides a bunch of review questions to help test your understanding.
Note: I will not post answers to the practice questions, but you can certainly ask about them in the review sessions (Tuesday in class; Wednesday in lab) or in office hours.
A blank copy of the midterm is available here.
A key is available here.
In addition to the past exams linked below, here are some additional materials to help you prepare for the midterm:
- topics list lists the main topics you should know from each of the sets of slides;
- practice questions provides a bunch of review questions to help test your understanding.
Note: I will not post answers to the practice questions, but you can certainly ask about them in the review sessions (Tuesday in class; Wednesday in lab) or in office hours.
The slides below (linked by their topic) are .html files that will only work properly if you are connected to the internet. If you're going off grid, grab the PDFs (you'll miss out on gifs and interactive plots, but the equations will render correctly).
Note: Links to topics that we have not yet covered lead to older slides. I will update links to the new slides as we work our way through the term/slides.
In case you're interested, I created the slides with xaringan
in R. If you are thinking of making your own slides/documents, I would suggest quarto.
Review of key math/stat/metrics topics
Density functions, deriving the OLS estimators, properties of estimators, statistical inference (standard errors, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing), simulation
PDF | .Rmd -
Review of key topics from EC320
(the first course in our intro-to-metrics sequence)
PDF | .Rmd -
Autocorrelated disturbances
Implications, testing, and estimation. Also: introductionggplot2
and user-defined functions.
PDF | .Rmd -
Introduciton, implications for OLS, testing, and estimation. Also: in-class exercise for model selection.
PDF | .Rmd -
Introduction to causality and the Neymam-Rubin causal model. Also: Recap of in-class model-selection exercise.
PDF | .Rmd -
Instrumental Variables
Review the Neymam-Rubin causal model; introduction to instrumental variables (IV) and two-stage least squares (2SLS). Applications to causal inference and measurement error. Venn diagrams.
PDF | .Rmd
See the syllabus for specific information on the exams and grades.
Here are some exams from previous years:
Term | Midterm | Final |
Winter 2019 | exam key | exam key |
Spring 2019 | exam key | exam key |
Winter 2020 | exam key | exam key |
Winter 2021 | exam | |
Spring 2020 | exam | |
Winter 2022 | home exam home key | |
Spring 2022 | exam key | |
Winter 2023 | home key in-class exam in-class key | home exam home key in-class exam in-class key |
Spring 2023 | home exam in-class exam | home exam in-class exam |
Note: If there is no key posted, then I do not have it and will not distribute it.
Here are links to previous years' course materials as well:
Please also see the syllabus for specific information on the homework and grade policies.