This project is an API for a car store, developed during a bootcamp at Senai using C# as the main technology.
- C#
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Entity Framework Core
- Swagger
- Clone the repository
- Open the solution in Visual Studio
- Open the Package Manager Console and run the following command to create the database:
- Run the project in Visual Studio
- Open your browser and go to https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html to access the Swagger documentation
The API has the following endpoints:
Returns a list of all cars in the database.
Returns a car by its id.
Creates a new car.
Updates a car by its id.
Deletes a car by its id.
The database used in this project is a Microsoft SQL Server database, created using Entity Framework Core. The database has a single table, called "Cars", which contains the following fields:
- Id (int, primary key)
- Brand (nvarchar(50), not null)
- Model (nvarchar(50), not null)
- Year (int, not null)
- Price (decimal(18,2), not null)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Aplicação backend do DEVinCar, projeto desenvolvido pelos alunos do curso DEVinHouse Turma Audaces 2022, do SENAI/SC.
A API foi desenvolvida em .NET Core 6, em C#, conectando em base SQL Server.
Tema 1
Módulo de Cadastro
: Responsável por manter e gerir o cadastro de usuários e produtos.Tema 2
Módulo de Vendas
: Responsável por gerir as vendas de carros e as entregas.Tema 3
Módulo de Geo-Posicionamento
: Responsável por gerir o cadastro de cidades, estados e endereços.
ASP.NET Core 6 com Entity Framework Core 6
SQL Server
Paradigma de orientação a objetos
Você pode acessar os arquivos do projeto clicando aqui.
Squad 1
Squad 2
Squad 3