A kitsune is a shapeshifter, and usually when it reaches the age of 100 years, it learn the ability to take on a human form. Thus, they have to be a fox for a hundred years before it can shapeshift from a fox to a human and back again. It is also said that a kitsune can duplicate other human beings, in other words shapeshift into the look-a-likes of different people.
-- http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/page/Kitsune
Kitsune is an Elixir library for transforming the representation of data inspired by Representable.
defmodule Person do
defstruct name: nil, age: nil
defmodule PersonRepresenter do
use Kitsune.JSON
property :name
property :age
person = %Person{name: "Nikki", age: 18}
#=> "{\"name\":\"Nikki\",\"age\":18}"
json = "{\"name\":\"Nikki\",\"age\":18}"
PersonRepresenter.from_json(json, Person)
#=> %Person{ name: "Nikki", age: 18 }
If your property doesn't match the name of the key in the Struct, use as
defmodule Song do
defstruct name: nil
defmodule SongRepresenter do
use Kitsune.JSON
property :title, as: :name
song = %Song{name: "Gin and Juice"}
#=> "{\"title\":\"Gin and Juice\"}"
json = "{\"title\":\"Gin and Juice\"}"
SongRepresenter.from_json(json, Song)
#=> %Song{name: "Gin and Juice"}
You can use collections to create collections of representations inside representations.
defmodule Album do
defstruct name: nil, songs: []
defmodule AlbumRepresenter do
use Kitsune.JSON
property :name
collection :songs, extend: SongRepresenter, from: Song
album = %Album{name: "Doggystyle", songs: [song, %Song{name: "Lodi Dodi"}]}
#=> "{\"name\":\"Doggystyle\",\"songs\":[{\"title\":\"Gin and Juice\"},{\"title\":\"Lodi Dodi\"}]}"
json = "{\"name\":\"Doggystyle\",\"songs\":[{\"title\":\"Gin and Juice\"},{\"title\":\"Lodi Dodi\"}]}"
AlbumRepresenter.from_json(json, Album)
#=> %Album{name: "Doggystyle", songs: [%Song{name: "Gin and Juice"}, %Song{name: "Lodi Dodi"}]}