- Indonesia
filament Public
Forked from filamentphp/filamentAdmin panel, form builder and table builder for Laravel. Built with the TALL stack. Designed for humans.
PHP MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2023 -
SIMRS-Khanza Public
Forked from mas-elkhanza/SIMRS-KhanzaSoftware untuk rumah sakit, klinik, puskesmas, dokter pribadi yang sudah digunakan di lebih dari 1000 rumah sakit di sluruh indonesia
Java UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
system-design-primer Public
Forked from donnemartin/system-design-primerLearn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Python Other UpdatedSep 13, 2019 -
yeon Public
Forked from irwanphan/yeonsimple document handler application html template
HTML UpdatedOct 18, 2018 -
A realtime distributed messaging platform